Rock Band: Drums R Hard

Yeah, i know the song isn’t THAT hard, and Stone Temple Pilots’ “Vasoline” in the same set was a lot harder, and this is mostly an endurance test with only a couple of “gotchas”, but still, this beats my previous solo score on this song by over a hundred thousand points and so… now that I’m going into the Berlin set list with some truly tricky songs therein, thought I’d mark my accomplishment 🙂 I’m learning how to play these things! On Hard!
Later: Oh, forgot to mention the thing I really wanted to mention. STP’s “Vasoline” was impossible for me until I calibrated the game. I thought I didn’t need to, since I don’t have a HD TV (just an old CRT one about ten years old), but, apparently, I did. Calibrated it and nailed the song the very next try.

3 thoughts on “Rock Band: Drums R Hard”

  1. Nice! I just got the game this past weekend. I’m shredding on the guitar right now, because the drums intimidate me a bit, but I hope to get better at them as time goes on.
    Nicely done!

  2. The sad part was, for the next set, I have to practice each song several times before I try it for a score. So I thought to myself, if I have to practice this much *anyway*, I might as well put in the work once and just do it all on expert.
    Well, I got through the first set on Expert… but I have to resolve my chair problem. The chair I am using is too low to make double-kicking or syncopated kicking comfortable. Plus the drums are themselves raised due to the padding I use to shield the noise from the downstairs neighbors. Naturally, Hard uses a lot of offbeats and double kicks, but Expert gets truly evil.
    Back to Hard… for now.
    What’s your Xbox Live handle? We should do a band sometime 🙂

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