I just finished listening to “Rose Colored Glasses” by Animal Logic — one of my favorite songs by one of my favorite bands.
And I didn’t enjoy it at all.
See, that’s Stewart Copeland, of The Police, on drums. And his drums are so complicated and intricate that I only hear the drums… Stanley Clarke’s bass, gone. Deborah Holland’s voice — I don’t hear it.
All I hear is the pounding of the drums.
Sometimes a song comes up with really crappy drums. And I like those songs — I can relax and enjoy them without trying to figure out how to play the drum part and knowing I will never be able to.
Ah, a Tubes song came on. Joy. “Amnesia” — how appropriate. I could play this song in my sleep
Guitar Hero supposedly got a lot of people into guitars. Rock Band is going to send a crowd of bleary-eyed newbie drummers to the music store.
They don’t really need to run there just yet, though. The Rock Band drum kit is a *real* electronic drum kit — you can just plug it into your computer (some drivers may be needed), feed it into a synthesizer filled with drum patches and play whatever you want.
How long before someone takes the Rock Band kit on a real stage? Not long, I bet.
8 thoughts on “Rock Band destroyed my ability to listen to rock.”
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Or how long until someone builds a real stage for a Rockband kit?
Animal Logic is absolutely the best..
Seriously, I’d kill for a decent riser to rest the thing on that would pad the pounding the same way that the stacked blankets I use now do, without the kit traveling away from me and being such an uncomfortable base for the kick pedal.
I think lights and smoke effects are just a little “out there” for a fake band. And probably a lot of real ones.
@David: Yes, they are (were). A drummer friend who had just moved up from LA (to Monterey, where I lived then) introduced me to them. Back then we developed software in a bullpen setting with a lot of music and I was just blown away, we played Animal Logic II all the time. That same guy introduced me to NRBQ.
Sounds like you are in dire need of a 12 step program. “STEP AWAY FROM THE DRUM KIT”
TO ALL: Since Tipa didn’t see fit to post it on this blog – I will. Tipa and I are going to become aunts again – baby due in July! WEPA!
I was going to mention it when Hillary posted earlier, but then I didn’t. Wanna start a boy/girl pool?
I think it’s going to be a girl since her instinct is leaning in that direction.