Rock Band: Fixing the old 5 String

I mentioned a few weeks back that the guitar controller that came with Rock Band broke midway through our epic struggle with the Endless Set List. It would only strum UP, and only Jazz could make that thing work.
We were far from the only people to have this problem. A few nights ago, Drew went to the EA forums and got a RMA for the controller, and last night, a controller-sized empty box was leaning against the door when I got home.
They had two return options — the first, they sent you a replacement controller while they fixed yours, and when they returned yours, you would return theirs, or get charged to the credit card they required.
We’d bought a replacement controller already at an after-Christmas sale, so we weren’t under that kind of time pressure. Woe be to us if we didn’t have two working guitars next time Genj and Jazz came!
We chose the second option — they send us an empty box with prepaid postage, we enclose the guitar and send it back, and sometime in the future, we get our old friend back.
It IS a cool controller, with its effects switch, two sets of fret buttons, and a clickless strum. It’ll be nice to get it back and working.

1 thought on “Rock Band: Fixing the old 5 String”

  1. I will let Jazzmin know Wilber (wasn’t that her name for him) has gone to the guitar doctor and will be back soon. As long as her sweet Charlotte (microphone) is OK. All is well. She still laments that she was deprived of singing the last several songs in our monster 58 song set.

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