EQ2: Dera loves Jackson Pollock SO MUCH, she wears him.

When you ding in EQ2, everyone knows. When you ding 80, there’s an explosion of light and a legion of angels fly down from Heaven calling your name.
“Dera! Dera! Dera!” they sang.
I’d been carrying around so much level 80 stuff I could finally use. That Mace of Loving Skullbashery from the Anaphylaxis quest, for one. A nice necklace for another. None of the armor I wear is much good for healers, because SOE knows healers only wear leather.
People who just want to kick butt and cause pain wear PLATE. Fluffy HEALERS wear dead cowskin. Badass KILLERS wear plate.
Damn right. Inquisitors are a DPS class and now everyone knows.
But what is UP with that armor design? It’s like a blind person who’d never held a paintbrush tried to paint an incredibly detailed, monochrome rendering of a Candyland board on my armor.
I went back to New Rivervale and put on my Tier 3 quest armor until I find something that looks as bad as me. I also went on a spending spree, getting most of my Adept 3 spells. This will allow me to cause MORE PAIN.
Damn right.
And not bad for leveling entirely in groups… It took a really long time to get these last two levels, but having to level keeps giving reasons to play. Now she just needs 35 or so AA points… which means, back to questing.

5 thoughts on “EQ2: Dera loves Jackson Pollock SO MUCH, she wears him.”

  1. Wow, that armor is a bit hard on the eyes. I think that was done up by a guy who used to airbrush pinstripes on cars and unicorns on vans.
    Does the confusing pattern grant any benefit? Do you resist better versus beholders?

  2. @Ogre — Healers can do respectable DPS. Dera does between 5-600 dps solo if she doesn’t have to heal. Dina does about 7-800 dps solo, so it’s pretty comparable given that neither one is a dps class. Neither one of them has any T8 raid gear nor any T8 masters, so I’d expect that to scale appropriately to what a healer in their 30s could do with legendary/mastercrafted gear and adept 3s. Dera has a slight advantage in that she’s an inquisitor speced as a battle cleric, which turns all her offensive spells into combat arts which cast fairly quickly and don’t need to be upgraded (she has maxed the AAs she can spend on each one).
    Given, defilers are different kinds of priests, but from what I’ve seen, all priests have a dps path that will let them solo acceptably.
    @wil — I have no idea what they were thinking with this armor. I guess they wanted a new look, but this stuff just makes me dizzy.

  3. My zerk went back and did the level 20 Qeynos armor quests, he wears that on the second equip page while keeping the good stuff on the effective equip page. I don’t have the problem on my ranger though, Kith looks damn sexy. hehehe

  4. Level 20 quest armor looks pretty cool for Inquisitors, too. The whole thing is such a pain in the butt, though, and I don’t do the armor quests for my more recent characters. My brigand was likely the last one who ever will.

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