Look. You don’t want to be a part of this. I’m gonna let you off easy, put up the “more” thing and everything. You can just go do whatever it is you were doing, and you’ll be safe and free. There’s nothing interesting after the break.
Geez. Well, you’ve been warned.
My son plays a lot of shooters on the Xbox, and as a result his language has gotten a lot more ‘mature’. I asked him to maybe tone it down, and I would try, too. I curse a little more than I probably ought to. So we’d both think about whether or not we really needed to swear before we did so. If you’re gonna drop the F-bomb, it should be a little more than punctuation.
But Xbox Live has a weird effect on people, even me. While playing ranked sets in Rock Band last night, I was searching for the correct term for someone who quits midway through a song when they are behind, wasting everyone’s time and really, it isn’t over until it’s over. I’ve come from behind more than once near the end when I caught a lucky break with some Overdrives and my opponent makes a mistake at a bad time.
“Is ‘cockchomper’ a bad word, still?” I asked.
My son thought it might still be. “Douchebag? Surely that’s not… oh, still, even now?”
I finally came up with “Mofo”, because, it could mean Mobile Fone operator. Or Motorcycle Fotographer. Maybe this person had to run all of a sudden because a particularly sweet motorcycle was driving past and he wanted to snap a picture.
I could forgive him (or her) for that.
Last night our Rock Band guitar controller, nicknamed “Wilbur” by Buzzkillaz vocalist Jazz, came back from EA. Now neither the downstrum NOR the upstrum work. Back it goes. How could they even send it back to us broken.
Started the night at rank 27. Went up to 28, then a couple of disastrous openings dropped me to 26. I worked it back to 27, hoping to get 28, then fell back to 26 and after about six more songs worked back up to 27 and left it where I started. The ranking system is weird. Any loss drops you 1-2 points, and it takes many wins to make that back up. Highest ranked player I met was 29, so I am thinking the top ranked players are somewhere around 30.
The level of precision needed to compete at that level is astonishing.
I think I might switch from Tug of War to Score Duel, where you both play the entire song instead of switching between. There’s a strategy to using Overdrives in Tug of War that you can’t use in Score Duel, so it would be even harder to snatch a win from a loss.
5 thoughts on “Rock Band: Frickin Mofos.”
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Oh you’re such a delicate flower – no swearing. lol hehehe Uncle Bruce sent us an email regarding our posts about Dad on my blog. I didn’t realize that I had to change some setting so everybody could post a comment. No wonder Dawn couldn’t find the area to just enter her nickname. I asked Uncle Bruce to re-post his commen into the blog. We’ll see if he does.
So does this mean I have to stop saying ‘penis’ everytime i mess up on a game at your house? lol I don’t know if I’ll be able to – but I’ll try. But really – it’s just medical jargon for the male anatomy – can that really be considered cursing?
I like your explanation of MoFo!
My son (13) still asks me to please watch my language if there is anyone else present. I shouldn’t laugh, but I do reckon that it’s part of my job to embarrass him
Were I ever invited to interview with James Lipton, you can bet my favorite would be “f**k”. There’s no subsitution for it. Don’t let notions of its filthiness get you down… let the F**Ks fly.
Seriously though, that BS about the guitar would have really ticked me off. Did you guys at least get a free game for all this junk?
Can no one repair anything anymore? Every time I have a problem with a TV or any device, it always has to go back several times. Why don’t they just chuck it and send back a new one. (well recycle the parts
) I mean what’s the point if they’re just going to aggravate me with their incompetence. Stamp them all “no contractor serviceable parts inside either”