The AB roleplay channel last night was filled with people getting ready for Erollisi’s Day, and while Stargrace and I were talking about how the denizens of Norrath enjoyed their holidays, I couldn’t help thinking back to what was once the World of Warcraft’s newest roleplaying server, Kirin Tor, where I played both a husband-hungry troll priestess and a Horde-sympathizing gnome rogue.
When I’d get bored with the grind, I’d sometimes head to the Alliance lands for fun. I’d walk around until someone attacked me, then I’d try and keep myself alive while raining death until finally the little ‘uns brought me down. I had a rule; I never attacked anyone that didn’t attack me first. It was bunches of fun for everyone. There’d be these groups of level 10s running around hunting me. I just wish I could have given loot to the people who finally brought me down
Once I decided I was going to take a tour of Darnassus, the Night Elf home grounds. Everyone was so overjoyed to see me! This is an account of my fun meetings with the Night Elves and their love of my trollish magic tricks.
Kanda was a lonely troll, though. But trolls know very little of romance. Luckily, Kirin Tor had its own advice columnist, Velda, who ran a weekly column on the KT forums where she would answer letters from people who were unlucky in love and needed a few kind words to set them straight. In this column, Velda tells Kanda how to tell if a man is rich BEFORE she marries him.
I didn’t just inflict myself on the Horde. Oh, no. My Alliance rogue, Tipa, was the guild leader for Snacks for the Horde, a guild whose mission was to bring peace to Azeroth by bringing food to the frolicking folk of the Barrens. Everyone wondered why I would want to feed myself to awful, vile trolls, orcs, cows and undead. No! I just wanted to bring them snacks! *I* wasn’t a snack! Well, maybe they could have JUST a nibble. Doomed to be misunderstood by both Alliance and Horde, I ended up meeting the Horde in Warsong Gulch, since the Barrens, after all, were quite far.
Trying to explain the true mission of the Snacks to the Alliance while I was recruiting young, plump, delectable people in the endless corridors of Ironforge and beyond took all my time. These kinds of conversations were all too typical.
Two gnome warlocks were battling it out on the forums as to who would rule the world, Nummie or Yunk. Naturally, this piqued the curiosity of dozens of other gnomes, who were under the impression that THEY ruled the world. But nonetheless, Nummie and Yunk resolved to meet each other in the Gorobashi Arena in Stranglethorn Vale and battle it out to see which lovable, cuddly gnome would rest their daintily-shoed feet on the necks of Azeroth’s thousands.
Tipa had just finished her weekly trip into Gnomeragan to bring food to her mom (who, having been caught in the disaster that turned the entire Gnomish city into a crazed radioactive leper colony, usually only had the brains of low level dwarves to keep hunger away). So she decided to head down to STV and see what all the commotion was about.
I loved Kirin Tor Best server in WoW! Until they opened the floodgates and thousands of strangers moved in and killed it. Killed it to pieces.
6 thoughts on “Roleplaying in the World of Warcraft”
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Oh gawd, now that is a hoot. Had I known you in my WoW days, maybe I’d have stuck around.
Turns out WoW is pretty fun if you don’t care about levels, grinding, or raiding. I had lots of fun just goofing off
I just moved to KT the other night (after some guild drama on Ursin). Hopefully some shred of RP remains there.
I hope so! It was dead by the time I left, but I hope some RPers have taken up the gauntlet and put it back. But really, even at its height, most people didn’t RP. There were special places you could go if you wanted to RP, though — empty bars here and there that people would take over, like in Ratchet and Gadgetzan where everyone could gather. But it’s like they noted in “Watchmen” — it’s hard to be a costumed superhero and wear your underwear over your pants if the villains aren’t dressing up, too. And it’s hard to be the only one RPing
I played on KT about 2 years ago…roughly. I so enjoyed that server, and it is the only thing that makes me think of going back. But, it does seem like the RP has been relegated to specific area’s…and I do not know how many stripper Dark Elves there were in the world…all I know is they existed in KT.
I digress. I am loving EQ2 as a RP community. It seems more dedicated to that factor, and is quite fun (with the latest member on AB, named Greng, who is totally in character, and does a fine job of it)
Guess I will just wait and see what future games hold for me…by the way, have you given any thoughts on this? Looking at the future of MMO’s?
Check out my blog and maybe comment on what your thinking..I would appreciate it
Ah, Kirin Tor! My home server. Though I compleatley agree that Rp outside of certian guilds is preaty much dead, I still love it.