“Lost” returns to television tonight for the seven weeks of its fourth season. At the close of season three, we saw that Jack and Kate, at least, had managed to escape the island in a “flash forward”, but Jack was desperate to get back, ranting that they were not meant to leave the island.
Charlie had died while bravely saving the lives of others, and rescue seemed imminent… but were the rescuers who they claimed to be?
Lots of mysteries, and you’ll want to watch from the beginning to get up to speed on all the plots. I’ve been reading a bunch of spoilers, that I won’t repeat here, but this is looking to be a pretty fantastic season, and VERY fast moving, especially now that the flashbacks and current plots will be joined with flash forwards that show what *will* happen.
I recently finished watching Jericho’s first season, the story of a United States that has been destroyed by a simultaneous terrorist nuclear attack on 22 US cities, which, at the Season 1 closer, seemed to have been masterminded by the Department of Homeland Security.
I cannot recommend this series highly enough. It’s probably the last example of the long-arc drama that brought us Lost and Heroes, and was saved by the thousands of dedicated fans who wrote in demanding a second season.
The first season is on DVD, and CBS the Sci-Fi channel will be running the first season again leading up to the second in order to catch people up. Starting Feb. 11th, see the comments for more.
There is quality TV out there and when we find it we have to support it.
10 thoughts on “TV: Lost season 4 tonight, Jericho season 2 Feb. 12”
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Well orginaly there wasn’t gong to be a second season.
While the climax of season 1 answered some questions, like who organized the attack and who Robert Hawkins was and how Jericho became an important place, there’s lots of questions still to answer. And, for a post apocalyptic show, the whole thing has an air of libertarian optimism that gives hope to even the worst situations as long as people can stick together.
Season 2 of Jericho promises to be a recommendation you will be proud you handed out to your readers.
Thank you for such a wonderful write up, accurate review of the first season and for joining all of us anxiously awaiting February 12th.
Just a minor correction, Sci-FI channel (not CBS) will air the Season 1 episodes of Jericho beginning on Mon., February 11th. The first 4 episodes will air beginning at 7PM. Here is a link to the schedule. http://www.scifi.com/schedulebot/index.php3
Season 2 begins at 10PM EST on CBS on February 12th.
Thanks, Mike’s Mom! I’ll correct the post. I’m definitely looking forward to it and wish I had heard about the series earlier.
Thanks for spreading the word.
I’ve put a summary and link in our news archive.
I caught the first episode of season 1 after your previous post and quite like it. Always enjoyed post-apocalyptic fiction.
I just started season 1 of Lost — waiting for disc 3 to arrive from that familial addiction delivery mechanism of choice, Netflix. Pretty good, looking forward to the next disc, but I can still stop watching it after a single episode. Stopping was difficult with Dexter, and I’ve been told Lost will go in a similar direction.
I really wanted to like Jericho…the situation is right, the setting is neat, the whole “conspiracy” side of the story (sorry if that is a spoiler) was great…
But, the acting left some to be desired. I watched it mainly for Skeet Ulrich, who seems to hold himself at times. The actor who plays his brother..Kenneth Mitchell….ARGH…but, the Mom is good, and so is Dad (both TV veterans)…then we get the love interests, and…well
Oh, but the best is Hawkins (Lennie James)…his part is well done, and mysterious enough…
But, the overall story takes a back seat too much…and the inter personal relationships take over which seem dry…hopefully season 2 will be better…and I would be willing to try again…as long as it is better than Bionic Woman (my biggest disappointment this year…so wanted that to work)…then I may continue on.
I didn’t get past the premier for Bionic Woman, and based on how bad that was, haven’t bothered seeing when the Terminator show is on. Maybe the show is great, but everything I have been able to find out about it makes it sound stupid. Same for Kyle XY, another show I only recently heard about.
I have to admit; Jericho pulled me through.
Lost, though… I did my part, I thought. I watched the catch-up episode. I watched the season 3 finale over again. And I still didn’t have much idea what was going on. And I’m a FAN. Was that future-Jack or past-Jack? Or both? Didn’t he meet his ex-wife when he was about to commit suicide and she crashed when she saw him? Or did all that just happen again? I was entirely unable to follow the timeline of the flash/backs/forwards. Hurley’s was easier.
I’ll figure it out, and then I’ll be sucked in again.
But you know what show I’m really enjoying this season?
Randy Jackson Presents… America’s Best Dance Crew.
No, really.
I love hiphop dancing
And some of those crews are REALLY GOOD.