How to get kids accustomed to the family’s new file server


I don’t normally repost advertising, but this kids book, of the sort to explain why Mommy is having a baby or why they have incurable bone cancer but instead being a long, frank discussion of the changes the family’s new file server will make in their lives, is precious.

2 thoughts on “How to get kids accustomed to the family’s new file server”

  1. The videos over there made me LOL.
    It’s particularly pertinent since I’m in the process of deciding whether to build one or buy one myself for the house. I’m probably going to give the 120-day free offer a go and just turn an older machine into the server and see how that works out.
    It’s gotten to the point where this makes a lot of sense and I’ve been struggling with media storage and the like. Serendipity, I say.
    Thanks for the post, it was fun reading the “book.”

  2. That site is hilarious. Watching all those videos while sipping a cup of my morning coffee just made my day. Now if only I had some kids to pass the book to…

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