EQ: Has Anybody Seen My Corpse? The Best of EverQuest

Famed Japanese EQ guild Guild Mirage made a Flash video for Electric Funstuff’s song about one of EverQuest’s most remembered vocations — looking for your corpse.
If you never played EQ1, maybe this will show… a little… how extreme hardships can bring people together. Of course, there are those who say games shouldn’t bring hardships 🙂

6 thoughts on “EQ: Has Anybody Seen My Corpse? The Best of EverQuest”

  1. I seem to also remember a series of MP3s I happened upon long, long ago – not sure who made them. Possibly Electric Funstuff? I don’t really remember and I apologize.
    It was several popular songs rewritten to be tailored to EQ 1 – the one that sticks out in my mind the most is “If I had a Million Platinum”.
    I also remember another clip from the same (CD? Album? What do I call this!) in which a wood elf of some kind prepared for a raid on Castle Mistmoore. It was lots of “GET PUMPED” kind of music, and the wood elf saying “YEA! WE’RE GONNA KILL THEM ALL! BEST RAID EVER TONIGHT! THAT’S WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT”
    It lingered for a bit, but was generally entertaining, and then at some point the raid is pumped up enough and the wood elf yells “CHAAAAAAARRRGGEEE” you hear about 3 foot steps and then a WUMP sort of noise. Then a few expletives.
    A long raspy groan slowly picks up volume “aaaaaaaaauuuuuUUUGGGGGGHHHHH” over which the wood elf can be heard saying “Damn, sorry Mayong for….kicking you in the balls…”

  2. lol… Tonight we’re supposed to be doing MMIS and killing him for an epic quest. I’ll have to see if I can find that song.

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