EQ: Need More Sinzan! The Best of EverQuest

Yeah, full nostalgia mode tonight. This is the last (for now)! I swear!

Another video from Sinzan of Guild Mirage. Sinzan was EverQuest’s Leroy Jenkins. If we needed more healing on a raid, we called for MORE SINZAN!
For non-EQ1-ers, most raids had just barely the amount of healing needed to keep the tank alive. In fact, the ONLY heal that could keep the tank alive was something called Complete Heal, which restored 10,000 (later reduced to 7,500) hit points — but it had a ten second cast time and a two second cooldown, so to ensure the tank got the heals they needed, clerics would cast their CHs in order, one every two-four seconds, depending on the mob. (And this would give you the number of clerics you needed for a raid — if it was a 2 second mob, you needed 12/2 = 6 clerics. Or a bigger tank).
Anyway, there was ANOTHER spell, called Celestial Healing, which gave about 300 hit points back over 30 seconds.
Poor Sinzan picked the wrong spell. The only solution: MORE SINZAN!

3 thoughts on “EQ: Need More Sinzan! The Best of EverQuest”

  1. THIS one was tough. I just remembered everyone shouting for MORE SINZAN!
    There’s some other stuff I want to unearth if I can, like the gnomish dance competitions. I’m trying to give a sense for what EQ was like at its peak, when it was the WoW of its day, and why old players like us look back fondly on a game that, from the present, looks like it did everything wrong.
    Of course, it didn’t. It sparked a revolution in MMOs and dominated the genre until WoW totally crushed it.

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