EQ: UBER YOU! The Best of EverQuest


Remember where you were in 2001? If you played EverQuest, maybe you were still running around in patchwork armor, struggling to kill fire beetles with splintered wooden staffs, when someone ran by you in gleaming armor, carrying amazing weapons, and sneered at you, if they even noticed you at all.
And maybe you thought to yourself, “Ya know, I wish I could just pay $200 to go on a raid and kill a boss and get some loot some day, and then I could be UBER, and sneer at noobs like me, cuz that’s what I am.”
Well, there was a service that was talking directly to you. UBER YOU! If you were level 45 or over (and less than 53 for dragons!!!!!), then you could pay to tag along on someone else’s raid and be GUARANTEED a weapon or piece of class armor for YOU, and also another loot item worth AT LEAST 2000 plat.
This isn’t power leveling. This isn’t grinding. This isn’t paying for plat. It’s something not seen before or since.
Uber You! Get UBER TODAY! Click on the thumbnail to see the site. I cleaned it up a bit, redacted the addresses and removed all the ads, but way back when… you, like me, might have looked at that and said, “Dang! Who’d pay $200 for one piece of armor!” and followed that up immediately with, “I wish *my* guild could kill dragons and stuff.”
I wasn’t going to pay to raid, but UBER YOU! had me going, “yeah. I DO want to be uber!” And a raider was born.