It is that time of the week. I got your weekly recap right here: If Scurvsnicker plays 6 days every week, I guess I can call this a good deal. Many Xboxes have it a lot worse. Our gamerscore saw a 30 point boost which is good. Hey it’s only 1 achievement… what do you want?
I was also pretty happy about the 2 new games this last week. They were (in no particular order) Rock Band, and Call of Duty 4. I liked them. I think Scurvsnicker did too. Also, I think we can all agree that Scurvsnicker was a FPS junky last week playing a ton of Call of Duty 4. She played it on 6 of the days.
I could go on and on with the stats, but that is enough.
(courtesy of
3 thoughts on “Scurvsnicker’s Weekly Recap – 2/18/2008”
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Openedge1’s Weekly Recap – 2/18/2008
Someone ask for a weekly recap? Even if you didn’t, here it is: If Openedge1 plays 2 days every week, I guess I can call this a good deal. Many Xboxes have it a lot worse. We came close to a few gamerscore opportunities, but nothing really panned out.
I prodded Openedge1 to try a new game: Halo 3. It was a lot cooler than I thought it would be. Also, I think we can all agree that Openedge1 was a FPS junky last week playing a ton of Halo 3. He played it on 2 of the days.
And that’s all I got. I’m not a writer… just an Xbox.
Something fishy here…first …the only game played 98% of the time is Halo 3 (my son …. all he plays…), so why would the box think it is new? Is he that stupid?
And why does MY box sound like YOUR box…what are those two up to…because I am a little leary…if they have been playing footsies (or Ring around the Red Death) again …we better have a talk with them again about how two xbox 360’s get together…blah, blah
I think, in my case anyway, it was new because I just set up 360 Voice. Even though Drew has been playing CoD4 since Christmas, and we have all played Rock Band since Thanksgiving.
The achievement I got was for winning three score duels in a row on hard drums. I usually suck at hard drum duels — usually I lose — but this was someone I met three times who was (somehow) worse than me. After three times, I earned an achievement and he left the game
It does kinda make me want to play some other game just to give 360 Voice something to talk about… I just like dueling drums so much…
Maybe our Xboxes are related?
It is hard to believe another week has passed. Here is the recap: 3 days of gaming made me pretty happy for some reason. A big holler to JoBildo for honoring me with what little time I know is available. Our gamerscore saw a 115 point boost which is good. I guess that is what completing 5 achievements can do!
I was also pretty happy about the 2 new games this last week. They were (in no particular order) Rock Band, and Assassin’s Creed. I liked them. I think JoBildo did too. Also, according to the records, JoBildo’s favorite game last week was Rock Band. He played it on 3 of the days.
I think our Xboxes are all a little too close to each other. It’s like being in Logan’s Run.
So there you have it… Check back next week for another report from yours truly.