Witty Ranter #3

Witty Ranter #3, a round-table style podcast where Adam of Troll on Fire brings together several people and sets them going, and which (unwisely) had me as a guest, is out. So here it is for your listening delight. In it, me, Karen from Journeys with Jaye and Leala from Epic Dolls discuss the role of men in MMOs. (Do they have a role? Listen and find out!)
Well, Adam describes it a little differently:

In this episode of Witty Ranter, Adam shows a softer side, while his hosts show that women can kick ass just as well as the boys. Brenda from West Karana, Karen from Journeys With Jaye, and Leala Turkey from Epic Dolls all chime in with their viewpoints. Topics covered include “How do game companies market games as appealing to more women other than stooping to the traditional ‘half naked chicks’ that have worked for men for so long?” and Karen presents the topic: “Women & MMO Communities – Nicety or Necessity?” Oh yeah, and there are many references to Hello Kitty Online Adventure. You have been warned.

Hello Kitty Online is going to rock your world.
Believe it.