Rock Band Dream Setlist

Cyanbane challenged me and other Rock Band-enabled bloggers to come up with our “Top 10” songs we’d like to see on Rock Band.
I have way more than ten songs I’d like to play on rock band, but I came up with ten that all are built around guitar-bass-drum-vocals, should be challenging enough to be interesting but not so hard they can’t be played or sung, and cover a fairly wide range of years. I couldn’t find a lot of the newer things in my collection on “imeem”, but then, most of the newer stuff I listen to wouldn’t be interesting on Rock Band.
So; enjoy. And if you have Rock Band and a blog, post your list, too and link back here or to Cyanbane’s page.
I didn’t notice at first that Cyan or his wife had chosen a Veruca Salt song. I swear I did it by coincidence! Sure, it’s their big hit, but it’s a great song (and a cool video too).
Sneaker Pimps is one of those weird bands that transcend style. They have a bizarre history. “Sick” is one of their more normal songs.
I love the drumming in Steely Dan songs, so I had to have one in here. Most of their songs feature Donald Fagen’s keyboards; Reeling in the Years is heavy with Walter Becker’s guitar and is easy to sing besides.
Agent Orange’s “Everything Turns Grey” I won’t apologize for. It’s a good, fast, driving rock song. I first heard of Agent Orange through a Bowling for Soup song, looked them up and hey! They’re GOOD!
“I Don’t Believe in Love” wasn’t my first choice for a song off Queensryche’s “Operation: Mindcrime”, but it’s one of the few songs off the album that doesn’t deal with drugs, murder, sex or religion.
“What I Got” by Sublime — another song everyone can just sing along to. Every set list needs a song like that.
“The Boys of Summer” by The Ataris. The Ataris take this old Don Henley song and make it move.
What Tull song could I put here? I wanted “Heavy Horses”, but listening to it, I didn’t see how it could really work. “Teacher” is still famous enough that people will have heard it, easy enough to play, and a nice change.
Any RB set list from me will contain a BOC song. “Hot Rails to Hell” was my daughter’s favorite when she was 7. I warp my kids young. As a song, it moves well, has fun lyrics and it isn’t another Buck Dharma ballad. This is BOC at their hottest.

9 thoughts on “Rock Band Dream Setlist”

  1. I just opened up RhythmBox and went to town. I could have added a dozen more easily, heck, a hundred more. I was sad that the imeem thing didn’t have more women rockers — no Jen Trynin (who apparently has a book out about being a hit one moment and washed up the next) at all, not much Tracy Bonham.
    Playing in a real rock band has always been a dream, since college when I DID. I lived in UNH’s music dorm (resisting the call of the nerds urging me to move to the gaming dorm), joined one of the three bands there as a bass player, and had a heck of a time playing 80s cover songs (this being the 80s, it was cool) until the lead guitarist decided to take the band in a prog-rock direction and I just couldn’t play Chris Squire so that was that. I’ve been sorting songs by what I’d love to play on stage all my life 🙂

  2. In tribute to your 80s cover band, here are my 10. Mostly 80s songs, all 80s bands.
    1) Skid Row – Monkey Business
    2) Ozzy – Mr. Crowley
    3) Bon Jovi – Dead or Alive
    4) Van Halen – Panama
    5) Motley Crue – Dr. Feelgood
    6) AC/DC – Thunderstruck
    7) Guns ‘n’ Roses – Nighttrain
    8) Mother Love Bone – This is Shangrila
    9) Metallica – Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
    10) ZZ Top – La Grange
    By the way, I don’t own Rock Band, so maybe one or more of these songs is already included.

  3. The Bon Jovi song is. I don’t know that Metallica song, but they have a butt load of Metallica already. Van Halen — good one, we definitely need VH. Ozzy’s good, they have a fair amount of Sabbath but can always hear more of him. GnR, ZZ… all good stuff, I’d play it 🙂

  4. Me too, I couldn’t find that song on imeem so I headed to youtube. I’m sure that can’t be their official video for the song but it cracked me up. I’ve never seen most of those pics before, redneck time out ftw! Now I have to go google image search ‘redneck’ lol

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