Audiosurf scoreboard alert – Dethroned!
You used to have the worldwide best score for: i dont like mondays by the boomtown rats
Now the Audiosurf player ‘Baldrick’ has beaten you. Get back in the game and reclaim the top spot!
BRB, gotta get my WORLDWIDE BEST SCORE back!

There. Took a couple hours, but top score in all three ladders — casual, pro and elite. NOBODY hates Mondays like we do.
Tipa you are a Monday hating, boomtown ratting, audiosurfing GOD!
Little known fact about Bob Geldof of Boomtown rats fame.: Despite the fact that I and millions of other Irish and British folks of a certain age are sure that Bob said “Give us the f***ing Money” live on air during the massive aid for Africa telethon (Live Aid), apparently it never happened. He did use the f-word elsewhere on air during the event though.
Oops, Edit:
That should of course read “GODDESS”
Grr, the game is pretty fun but I keep getting blue screens & reboots. Only seems to happen in full screen mode though, time to update drivers.
Also, I uhmm.. found.. that boomtown rats song but it doesn’t give me the same score list. The game seems pretty finicky on file names & ID3 tags so there’s probably dozens of variations in their scoreboards.
hah. the boomtown rats —- seems like i had bob on 8 track.
i like mondays, though, even (especially) when i’ve been up all night.
@Kalamaf — I’ve noticed odd things. You can see the track shape for everyone on the high score lists, and sometimes they are VERY different from the ones you see from other people — it’s as if they were playing an entirely different song. And they probably WERE.
I’ve been trying other genres of music in Audiosurf. A bit of jazz piano with Chick Corea and Keith Jarrett; Some Mozart (Symphony 25, 1st Movement, that “running” music they use in Amadeus); some Chopin; that overused chorale theme “O Fortuna”, some electronica from Synergy and Future Sound of London; and basically, the worst song of them all has been Eric Clapton’s “Layla”. If anyone wants to challenge me on that song, they can go right ahead.