I was aghast to find that after Vanguard GU 4 that I no longer had eyelids! Crikey! Was I going to have to go everywhere with a damp cloth over my eyes? I petitioned, of course, and got my reply this morning.
You can read it below, but take a good long look at that mailbox first. DON’T TOUCH IT! Just look with your EYES, not your hands. Didn’t your mom ever teach you anything?

So they plan to give me back my eyelids soon. Well, I guess I can stay awake until then… I hit ‘I’ to check my inventory, to see if maybe I’d picked up some eyedrops along the way. Instead, I got this message:

“Do you have a death wish? Mailbox appears able to grant it. This target is slightly more difficult than normal for its level (Level 50).”
Backing away slowly, um, sir…
Yet,….no comment on the bowstring going through your head? I think I would be more worried about THAT than an issue with eyelids…
Did you know Michael Caine (yes …the actor) is most famous for teaching other actors on how not to blink as you talk to the camera? Michael Caine: Truly a Class Act
Maybe you need some lessons now? Or maybe YOU are the master actor…
That’s not a bow string, that’s brain floss.
lol… I can well imagine my VG character is gratefully closing her eyes whenever I’m not looking at her…
Mailbox glowers at you dubiously — what would you like your tombstone to stay?
Mailbox says, ‘Oh look..a talking lump of refuse..how novel!’
Mailbox punches YOU for 256 points of damage.
Mailbox punches YOU for 289 points of damage.
Mailbox mauls YOU for 742 points of damage.
You feel your life force drain away.
Mailbox says, ‘Ah, I feel much better now!’
Pain and Suffering tries to hit YOU but misses.
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