Giant Bomb: Never fly again.

A throwaway comment in a article led me to Giant Bomb, a new game review blog started by Jeff Gerstmann, the Gamespot editor who was rumored to have been canned when he gave a poor review to a game that advertised heavily on Gamespot.
They don’t cover MMOs, but I think those of us who love MMOs also spend a fair amount of our time with our Xboxes, Playstations and Wiis want to read reviews where the reviewer isn’t shy about admitting that maybe “at one point I thought about vomiting while playing this game”.
Can independent games journalism work? They have a bunch of reviews up already, so check ’em out and decide for yourself.
But… I wouldn’t want to explain to the TSA what company I worked for. I mean, really. Might as well have business cards printed with “Al-Qaeda in San Francisco”.