Bad week for gaming, good week for blogging

I haven’t done even a tenth of the gaming I usually do in a given week. Between my sister Hillary getting hitched in Boston; my sister Genjer and niece Jazzmin coming up from NYC to spend Easter weekend here in Connecticut; and the siren’s call of Rock Band demanding the return of the (in)famous Buzzkillaz, well, that was pretty much it.
But though I didn’t get much gaming done, I did get a lot of writing done. I am absolutely delighted to announce that I’ve been hired on at Massively to do what I can to make Massively the number one destination for hot news and features about every single game in existence. I’ve patched Test and re-installed EQ1 because I can think immediately of three or four games which could use a lot more coverage, and I aim to see they get it.
I hope also to introduce Massively’s readers to all the amazing bloggers whose sites I read every day. If you have some news you want to share with the world, shoot me a note and I’ll do my best to see it on Massively.
Nobody was more shocked than I when my application was accepted 😛 I was giddy for hours…
This is such a rush 🙂 You’ll notice a new “Me @ Massively” link on the sidebar; this will point to my latest posts there.

25 thoughts on “Bad week for gaming, good week for blogging”

  1. Wow
    You rock Tipa…Guess meeting you in Vanguard may be out now…not that seeing the lidless wonder’s of the models would make you want to see my character…lol
    Congrats though, and the best (good thing I read links at Massively every day…wonder if we can filter by author…make sure to use Tipa)

  2. Heh… I use my real name (Brenda Holloway). And there’s no way I’m stopping playing MMOs. This last week was just a bad week with so much RL stuff going on.
    I plan to play MORE Vanguard — and some EQ1 as well — because these games deserve more coverage. News about WoW is easy to come by; nothing happens there that ten thousand bloggers don’t discuss. Just as much happens in these other games, and while there is a good amount of discussion about the games on Massively, there could be more.

  3. Nice one Tipa!
    Am looking at getting in on the Wii Fanboy site as a contributor. Are you having to make 50 posts a week as a blogger with Massively?

  4. Oh heck no. I could never do that many. Maybe Tateru can do that many… sleeping… because she is bottled awesome that way, but I have work… sleep… gaming… writing stuff here on WK… writing stuff for Massively… priority not necessarily in that order, but I have to compress everything but work and sleep into about four hours a day, and I’m a raider in EQ2 so that takes a certain amount of time as well 😛
    But busy is GOOD!
    50 posts a week! Wow. Sorry, just boggling here. How could you do anything else?

  5. Brilliant!
    I admit over the weekend I was considering reinstalling EQ1 again. I like to see how Grandpa’s holding up at the home every 6 months or so.
    I too have been unable to blog lately. My counterpart here at work resigned at the end of February and the post count has dropped since I’ve been forced to handle double duty this month. No worries, I got a big post brewing whenever I can get a free hour to actually write it down. Something that will shock and awe the MMO universe.

  6. … also means I have to either reactivate my other account or transfer my EQ1 cleric main (Brita, the haffer healer, motto: Rezzing ya saves mana) so that I have an actual character to play. My rogue, Tipa, is still level 70 … I stopped playing her after Dragons of Norrath, so that’s the extent of her gear, no epic 1.5 or 2.0, not keyed for any of the DoDH+ zones, so even though I might rather play her, it will be back to the cleric for me. She only has five levels to make up. With no guild and no experience with expansions from Sinking Sands on, that will be trouble enough.)

  7. Muwhahahaha. Now you’ll really never get a Beta invite again.
    On a serious note congrats on getting signed up with the massively folks. I’ll be keeping my eyes peeled for anything you write there.

  8. Well, so nothing will have changed there :/
    After I get my feet wet with smaller posts, I hope to work up to more substantial stuff. So don’t be impressed by anything I have written yet 😛 It’s all about learning the procedure so far.

  9. I’ve BEEN on, with Tipa, actually, but not for long. For some reason I can’t get into the CE guild hall… I’m probably going to reactivate Brita’s account, just because she’s at least marginally useful. Plus. I have all expansions now.
    Problem with EQ remains, I have no idea what to *do* there anymore, since my time away hasn’t made me like the punishing plat requirements, grinding for reputation in deathly dull zones like that one with the ice (I have quit every game that forces me to grind, I just won’t do it anymore), the severe ugliness of the Prophecy of Ro expansion, and being seen as useless in groups unless someone’s fifth alt needed help with their epic. All those reasons for quitting EQ still exist. I was, frankly, tired of logging in and only being asked to do groups in that zone outside Anguish, MPG or RSS. Sometimes a Nest group. All the guild groups to grind that faction happened while I was at work (of course, I was on PST at the time still… but it was disappointing).
    I’ve tried to get a group in EQ a couple of times — nothing. Playing EQ is just logging in, trying to find something to do for several hours, and then logging off. If I’m very lucky, someone I know will be on and we can chat for awhile, and then I’ll log off. I logged on a couple of nights ago and didn’t recognize even one guild name. The game has changed so much, and I don’t think there’s room for someone who just wants to hang out with friends. You’re all in uberguilds, and a guildless cleric from three expansions ago really can’t contribute to a group as well as someone’s two-boxed alt with twink gear from the Theater of Blood would.
    Ah. Whining about EQ1 was how this blog started. Now it’s come full circle!

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