SOE has just registered trademarks for (presumably) the next expansions for EQ and EQ2.
EQ2’s next expansion is The Shadow of Odyssey,
while EQ’s next expansion is The Seeds of Destruction.
Shadow of Odyssey… well, since Luclin was the shadowed moon and the gateway to the Plane of Shadow was within it, I think I have to call “I WIN” on this one. Given the connections between the Everlings, the Tunarian Throne and Luclin disclosed recently…
We’re going to the Moon, Alice. To the fuggin’ MOON.
31 thoughts on “EQ2’s next expansion — The Shadow of Odyssey”
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Rocket! I’m tak-ing a rocket. I’m packing my suticase! Hey, look out moooooooon! Yea, a rocket! In-to outer-space! Good-bye huuuman race! I’ll be there sooooooooon! Blast off! For fun and ad-venture! Yes, I said Ad-venture! Collecting stooooones! YEA IT’S MY WAY! ON THE OL’ SPACE HIGH-WAY! THAT’S WHY THEY ALL SAY: “THERE GOES ASTRONAUT JONES!” HEY!
Good find Tipa! While there was a lot I liked about the old EQ Luclin expansion, it wasn’t a good follow up to Velious at all. Let’s hope that the second time around, they do it better. If nothing else, I really hope they put in that invisible bridge in The Deep.
Grendal Ix Thula! (or something)
Since they are supposedly doing 1 expansion per year and Kunark came out last year, I would bet that Shadow of Odyssey is the next expansion after the next expansion. It seems that they usually register the names well before now. Is there any way to check when Rise of Kunark was registered? They also register names that sound good and they might use it sometime in the future, but it doesn’t necessarily mean they will use it.
No, actually, they closely guard the names of upcoming expansions. Rise of Kunark was registered at about the time last year. While it was pretty clear that Kunark would be the expansion, it’s not a lock that Luclin will be the one after given the name. But I’m 90% certain they are talking about Luclin. They have put PLENTY of clues in the game, like this one –> <-- which was mentioned again in recent lore. Given Luclin's lore, it's hard to see how anything with a name invoking shadows and long travels would NOT refer to Luclin. If true, I am incredibly excited! This is the one I was hoping for.
Gnomes in spaaaaaaace….
And all that cheese! The ratonga are going to flip.
(OK, am going to go over here and sit down quietly now)
Luclin is kaboom, this is just a gateway to the planes… Planes of Power FTW!
I’ve been wanting to adventure in the world of this book for over twenty years. Some of my pen-and-paper RPG campaigns were set in it. Spellborn and now just perhaps EQ2 will let me play in that kind of world.
I know you loved Luclin Tipa, but I desperately hope you are wrong. To me, Luclin was the absolute low point of EQ and was the reason why I quit the game the first 2 times I quit. If Luclin does end up being the next expansion, I most likely won’t even bother. I’ll just pack my bags and look for something else to do.
Well, no, I didn’t love Luclin as it was in EQ1. I love the idea of what Luclin will be NOW — blown apart, flying between the shards of the moon, an entirely new landscape and a chance for EQ2 to finally break from EQ1 and do something totally original.
No, I actually thought Luclin was an annoying expansion. About the only things I liked about it were the Nexus and the Temple of Ssraeszha.
I love it when people say, “well since that expansion sucked in eq1, I won’t even bother with it in eq2.” Huh? Are you serious? Was RoK anything like kunark in eq1? No it wasn’t. So what makes you think a eq2 Luclin would be anything remotely like eq1 Luclin, other than having the same zone names?
Billy, I didn’t say that I thought it would be exactly like it was in EQ1. I said that I would most likely stop playing EQ2 if it came to EQ2. Is my reasoning rational or based upon any cold, hard facts? Nope… and I freely admit it. Do I think it will be a cloned carbon-copy? Not at all.
What I do admit is that I hated Luclin so badly in EQ1 that it will color any impressions an expansion based upon Luclin could have on me in EQ2. It isn’t fair to EQ2 or the EQ2 designers who had absolutely nothing to do with Luclin in EQ1.
It is very much how a smell can remind you of a bad memory. You can smell it again years later and it have absolutely nothing to do with the memory of the bad time in your life, but the smell associates your mind with that bad time and, inadvertantly, colors your impressions on the present moment.
It isn’t rational, but it is what it is.
Every time I smell pie, I think of Tipa.
And then I hurriedly eat as much of it as I can before she shows up.
I have some pie in the fridge. Want some?
No, wait… never mind, it’s gone!
Ooops, I’ll fix that, thanks for the heads-up – and looking forward to your speculation piece
Ground control to Major Tipa…Commencing countdown…engines on…
I think you have called it here. Good one..Congrats
Now, as to the “Shattered World” books…I actually read this series while I was playing in my band…and really enjoyed the setting…
But…that is all I remember…(I did say my “heavy metal band, drinking, drug use, chicks everywhere” days..right?)
Now, I need to go find a copy and add it to my list of re-reads
Current list is
Thomas Covenant Series (also read during my “metal” days…on the 2nd series right now, and have already bought the new book for the 3rd series)
The Princes of Amber by Roger Zelazny (read this in high school after my teacher hooked me on that other unknown book called “The Hobbit”)..I only ever read the first series, and have now purchased the Omnibus…all 10 books!
Michael Moorcocks “Eternal Champion” series (Elric FTW!!!)
Steven Brust Jhereg series
Gene Wolfe Torturer series
(Note, all these books were quite…shall we say…psychedelic in their own right…so how perfect was that for reading during those…”special” days?)
Thanks for the reminder!!!
We like exactly the same books :)))
To be brutally honest, while writing a piece for Massively about Shadow of Odyssey last night, I am still fairly certain the next expansion is Luclin, but maybe 70% sure. I can see some evidence that it might be Odus, if only for the name similarity. Cyanbane thinks it is for the Void, the home plane of the Shadowmen and their minions, and while I don’t think there is evidence for that further than having Shadow in the title, still, we’re gonna have to confront these alien invaders before it turns into Gates of Discord all over again!
(In EQ1, Gates of Discord was about aliens invading Norrath. In the sequel, Omens of War, players took the fight back through the portals to the alien planet from which they came. GoD was widely derided for ignoring Norrathian lore and moving away from the fantasy feel of the game, and for being tuned for level 70 without the level cap being raised from 65.)
Yea…I hope it ain’t no space stuff…
(Can we say Draenei?…ugh)
Perhaps it is the continuation of the story of the fate of the Shissar and how they became the Shadowmen? Odyssey being the journey the Shissar have taken to try to save themselves and the shadow is traces of that journey left behind for us to discover.
I haven’t heard that Shadowmen came from Shissar. In EQ1, Shadowmen and Shissar co-exist, but I guess that doesn’t mean they couldn’t have been one race in the past. Well, but we know the Shissar were the ancient rulers of Kunark.
When they say “of Odyssey”, it seems to me that Odyssey is something that could either actually cast a shadow, or something that could cast a metaphorical shadow, such as a harbinger of some great evil.
Love to see what it turns out to be. With a title that gives so little away, I hope it’s something amazing. If it just turns out to be, “hey, look, we brought back the Tower of Frozen Shadow, except now it’s TEN levels high!”.
One thing I wish they would consider — and for all I know, they did — is to use the expansion as an excuse to upgrade the entire world and move things forward. Though I guess it would be tough to make that into an optional upgrade.
There is no direct link between the Shadowmen and the Shissar but that doesn’t mean one can not unfold during the course of events. The Shissars tried to defy the gods by trying to becoming gods themselves. Perhaps as a punishment they where stripped of their corporeal form and banished into another dimension and back in time.
BTW, my Massively article just came out. I’d love to hear how stupid my conclusions are, and new & even more likely idea about what the expansion *really* is about.
Hello Kitty Norrath? Bring it on!
Now, the more interesting question is: What new gameplay elements/mechanics will this expansion introduce?
Season 1 Arenas!
I spend 1 week away from the internet and this is what happens… damn i allways pick the wrose weeks..
any way W00t that sound cool. Thouse it dosn’t mean its on the moon it self, a huge chuck of the moon could of landed on norath and it is its own island.
I hear in maj’duls pea cock club is a Lady who talks abaout Odus, Velious and Befallen.
before RoK was it a Iksar who talks about Kunark
and before EoF was it a Dwarf who talks about Kaladim.
And the next place can never been Luclin, do you forget it? Luclin don’t exist anymore.
only the two other moons Drinal and Morrell(only visible in Maj’Dul)
but the keyword is Odyssey not Shadow
Morrell-Thule is the god of dreams. I hadn’t heard he had a moon named after him. The orrery in the Tower of the Moon in Maj’Dul shows Norrath as having on two moons, with the Luclin one cracked.
Of course Luclin is still around — it’s just in pieces. The whole moon was filled with magical power (the Nexus, remember, was a Combine installation near the center of Luclin, and the NPCs would talk about the magical energy there). With so much magic being flung about, can you be certain nothing lives there?
I thought Befallen was known in EQ2 as Stormhold? They share some similarities.
It was a woman who talks about it, not if it realy comes, who knows it.
maybe Stormhold opens a new zone