I wrote an overview of Mythos crafting this morning, you can read it if you like, but that’s not what I’m pleading to Flagship about.
Please, PLEASE… let us play in the third person from-behind view like WoW and EQ2… Your game is so gorgeous from down here. I don’t love Diablo so much that I’ll be unhappy if you toss the overhead view for third person over the shoulder. And get rid of point-and-click in favor of WASD. Actually, I love the game — but please consider lifting camera, movement and targeting controls from WoW or EQ2, either one, I don’t care which.
It would be amazing.
In one sense I agree. I definitely think the game looks great with the “vanity cam,” but I think it would be pretty tough to play it like this all the time. There is so much kiting involved Mythos that it would be tough to know exactly what’s going on behind you all the time when you’re collecting as many mobs as you can before turning around and blasting them all down. I think it’s a cool feature in town for sure, but I think for the action-rpg genre, this might not work out so well.
So make it an option
3D sound and a good headset will let you know what’s going on around you… The overhead view is just so distancing. I want to be down there in the world.
Very true. I’m not saying that I wouldn’t like to see it attempted in some form. In fact, I would love to see it done as long as they find the right way to do it. This game has so much potential, I can’t wait to see what it’s like in 3-6 months!
I know the devs have mentioned working on something major involving gameplay. They threw this as a hint: http://forums.mythos.com/showthread.php?t=18141
The screenshot seems to hint at the very camera-look that you mentioned.
I think this is why I do not load it up anymore. I have played the overhead view so much (Diablo, Baldurs Gate series on PC and Xbox, Everquest champions series, Dungeon Siege) that I am not interested in an “out of the world” feeling anymore..
And you are correct…the view is awesome in the vanity cam….but maybe this is why they do NOT change this..
It looks like…
And maybe they have the rights to a diablo “overhead” view with a “WoW” based graphics engine…?
Well, duh. The people who developed WoW left to start new companies like this one. These are some of the people who made the world’s most popular MMO *ever*. Of course there’s going to be a similarity of art style. But the game itself plays nothing like WoW… In fact, I think I have heard that they are thinking about this already, so I just want to add my vote to it
It’s a fun game, just needs a little more adjustment to bring it in line with modern-day MMOs and be less of a D2 clone.
Tipa… I think it actually wants to be a Diablo 2 clone, or more so Diablo 3.
And *I* love the game but am tired of that unchangeable overhead view when it’s clear they have a lot of treasure down below that they are hiding away. I am always blown away by the vanity shots. Whenever I take a non-action screenshot of the game for an article, I always use vanity mode because I know it’s going to get a good reaction.
Why they persist in hiding this away eludes me. Yes, I know it’s 360 degree action and things come from all around, but that’s no different that other MMOs and they deal with it. I don’t like click to move, and I don’t like overhead view — it tires me out, leaves me cold. This game could be great, but if they’d wanted to make D3, they should ditch the massively multiplayer and add some story.
Have you tried the advanced camera mode? It is an option on the ‘Game’ tab.
Turning on advanced cam allows you to move the camera around during play and move with WSAD. Is this what you were looking for, or did you want something more specific? We’re definitely looking into improving camera control, so please let us know how you think it should be adjusted. |^)
omg… no, I did not know about this.
I have the feeling I am about to be very happy :)))
Okay, short answer: It kinda exists. WASD is a definite go, you can st camera closer and at less of an angle… video on its way.