Okay, thanks for the info about Mythos’ Active Camera mode. This lets you get a little lower down, and lets you use the WASD keys to move around. Q and E to turn. INS to fix the camera (I remapped this to F since I have no friends… on Mythos :). Turn on this mode by going to the GAME tab in options and checking Active Camera Mode and UN-checking Pitch Lock.
But hey, how does it look???? Well, watch this video and find out — and I even NARRATE it! Yes, my first, deadly step toward video blogging. Except, you know, with just game video.
You DON’T want to see my bedroom.
Anyway. Here ’tis. Enjoy! If you can!
And for comparison, here is what Mythos looks like with the regular camera view, and point-and-click to move.
Great video, and commentary of course – just out of curiosity for those of us who have no idea, can we get a screen shot of what the ‘regular’ camera view looks like before you turned on the active camera mode? Vanity mode still looks fantastic of course (as it’s meant to) but I’m not sure what regular camera mode lets you see.
Yeah, that would be useful. I added another clip of the old style below.
When I saw the character select screen, and the maps, and the…brleehh..*lunges for a bucket*
It looks way too much like WoW, and that alone make me not want to play it. That ALONE.
Am I alone in not particularly enjoying WoW the game, but not minding WoW the look?
And there aren’t any weird psycho obsessed people to deal with.
Mythos is a fun game
The videos show my Bloodletter. This morning I fooled around with my Gadgeteer, and it’s just loads of fun. Tossing smart grenades into a room when opening the door, then setting up a lightning rod to spread some good AE deathiness while standing back and picking off stragglers with a yellow bow I found.
You know, that does actually look pretty good, but it still does nothing to alleviate my concern. Just so I can judge things a little better, it looks like you are around level 8-15 on regular mode? If I am wrong, I would love to know. When you get up to level 30+ on elite mode, there is almost never a time when there are less than 15-20 mobs on the screen, and can get as high as 50-100 (especially in level 50 epic maps) so using that view just doesn’t seem feasible. I’m not saying it could be managed, but I would constantly feel like I had no idea what was going on behind me, which would bug me to no end.
If you ever need any advice, help with quests/leveling, or gear or gold (I have over 600g and tons of gear just sitting there) just let me know and I’d be more than happy to help you out; It’s the least I could do for the help that you gave me in EQ2 a while back. Most of my gear and such is on elite mode as my main is 49 (almost 50!) but if you are on normal, I would also like to start a toon on normal so I can respec and try more builds out.
Regardless, I’m sorry to hear that you don’t have any friends in Mythos
*not saying it coudln’t be managed* Also, normal mode might be a completely different story, even at higher levels. I’ll just have to try it out for myself later
I agree with you Tipa in not particularly caring for WoW the game — but not minding WoW the look one bit. I actually prefer the look to a lot of games. I enjoy the cartoon / anime feeling and the bright colours and all the rest of it. I’d never judge a new game based on some other game, they all have their unique qualities and concepts and without actually playing it, how can I know for sure whether or not I’ll enjoy it.
I’m level 20, but that’s just the first, closest dungeon I came to, and I was in Zone 1 at the time working on crafting quests so no, that stuff is below her level. I stopped leveling her to work on the other classes prior to character wipe — I wanted to test out some non-hybrids. This character is a hybrid, and I know better hybrid support is coming up, so she’s on hold until those changes get in so I can test them out. Meanwhile, I play with my Gadgeteer and am enjoying the significant differences (and the better gear available for non-hybrids). I need to get to trying out a pyromancer, too.
I have a Shadowlands character, but the rest of my characters are on normal mode, yeah.
I don’t really need money because I don’t know of anything to buy aside from identify charms and some crafting components I am too lazy to farm. Most of the gear merchants sell is crappy. The stuff players sell is considerably overpriced and usually worse than what I already use. I have about five or six gold on my character and nothing to spend it on. The easy availability of Luck potions combined with the lack of hybrid gear means regular dungeon runs get me all the gear I can use.
I suppose, but as I wrote on my blog the other day, a level 20-25 character has the ability to wear the best gear in the game (if stat points were primarily dumped into one attribute.) As for gold, that is also one of my extreme frustrations. There is an overabundance of it with no economy to speak of and the only thing worth purchasing from vendors is potions/ID Charms/TP’s.
In any case, if you see me on with Browncoat or Lyraell, say hi
@Kanthalos — you can always switch back to the old mode whenever. In fact, if you enable ACM but DON’T uncheck Pitch Lock, then you still have the same overhead view, but still keep the WASD keys and the camera usually stays behind you — so just doing that may give you the visibility you want while still keeping a better movement scheme.
Thank you anonymous commenter that wanted to inform me that I was a fat whore who sucked and should die. I love you too!
That does look pretty good. I’ll have to try it when I actually have time to play some Mythos again . . . *checks gaming calendar* . . . sometime next year? Sigh.
I don’t really see the similarity to WoW, other than that its a cartoony style, but Fate was cartoony too so it’s not like they’re copying WoW. I think maybe in-game it looks less similar than in screenshots/videos. Not sure. Anyway, the cartooniness is more appropriate for Mythos (which is ‘fantasy-lite’) than WoW which is trying very hard to be High Fantasy with stupid cartoon graphics.
Tipa ,
The devs have hinted they are working on a Wow Style over the shoulder Camera
( not to be confused with the already implemented Active Camera mode you mentioned )
Also , big Changes are coming .
each of the zones are to be reworked into a contiguous persistent overworld with an open landmass
with hills, mountains, forests, valleys, etc , and you are free to explore anywhere (You are not locked to roads)
Instead of Porting at the exit of town to a random chunk of wilderness , you will travel in the overworld
(where you could actually meet other players ) to get to a location , you may stumble across unexpected things, or find instanced dungeons to explore.
if the devs pull off these changes successfully
I could see mythos having a wide spread success to the gaming masses!
Wow, yeah, that’s pretty much exactly what they need to do to elevate this to the next level. I’m REALLY looking forward to Mythos going live. I want to get my Bloodletter going. And if they start seeding the dungeons with more hybrid gear, I’d probably still stick with my str/dex build. With enough levels, though, and given what Kanthalos has said about the stats of higher level gear, probably eventually even the build I have would reach viability without changing anything at all.
It’s not that I hate the look of WoW, I always really enjoyed the high stylization of it. It was cool, and different.
What I hate is what the look reminds me of, all that grinding, all that time I wasted, all those people I hurt while I was addicted, and what I did to my life while I was so very addicted. I’m not sure if I could play it, simply because of what the look reminds me of. It would make me very uncomfortable.
Anyone coming over would see it and go “Oh, you’re playing THAT again?” and I’d have to fumble with words and try to explain why it’s different when it’s really not any different in their ears. It would just be awkward.
Side note: It’s great how Stargrace always seems to have her fist cocked and ready to wallop on me anytime I make an opinion =P *glomps SG*
@Einhorn — okay, THAT I can understand. I was the same way with EverQuest for a long time. WoW actually helped break that addiction, and currently I don’t really play any MMO all that much. I’ve moved on from that obsession, though I still very much enjoy playing them.
Thanks for this heads up…just redownloaded the client to play with this (also got my free return to Tabula Rasa mail and my Return to Middle Earth email…so I have loaded those up)
Isn’t it interesting all these MMO’s inundating us with spam to “PLZ CUM BAK!!!!@#”…just before the big releases this year…My,My..
(Still play EQ2 EVERYDAY though…what an awesome game…and every other game has to beat that gameplay..I sure do feel sorry for them there MMO’s)
Yeah I got the LotRO thing too…