EQ: The Nights of Befallen


The Friday progression group is pretty hot stuff, but leveling in EverQuest is so fast now that we quickly leveled past a lot of low level content that we really wanted to see. The only cure? More cowbell. Another progression group! Hakiko couldn’t make the Friday progression group, so he went ahead and made another for Tuesdays. I simply couldn’t resist. I rolled a pally, and with the help of a guildy and some others, finished the tutorial missions for the last of my armor, and then headed off to the dungeon, Befallen.
Befallen is by far the greatest challenge I’ve met so far in this game. You don’t pull singles. You pull dozens. We must have had four complete wipes in there — those old joys of corpse runs, we did those. Darting down the stairs looking for our gear… trying to fight things naked… bunches of fun — but in a GOOD way. Modern games have zero risk — none whatsoever.
I wish we’d had a rogue. though. Losing our keys each time we died plus not being able to easily grab our gear made things insanely tough.
Even with all the deaths, I went from level ten to level 15. Next week: Paludal Caverns!


Afterward, I logged on to my cleric to help Kuron and a couple of his friends clear Fear and kill Cazic-Thule. No golems popped, though, so no ball of golem clay for everyone’s favorite beard-adorned trashcan. 🙁

7 thoughts on “EQ: The Nights of Befallen”

  1. Aye, no Golem Testicle for me. But I’ll get it soon enough!
    By Brell’s impenetrable septum I shall have it!
    I took a few nice shots of you smacking the Lord of Fear right in his…un-face.
    Hope you liked them! And thanks again for the help! ^_^

  2. I should have made another character for the tuesday night group. Instead I decided to explore Beholder’s Maze with my main and ended up spending 12 minutes being an evil eye pet.

  3. lol… but it was hilarious hearing you talk about it 🙂
    *I* laughed, anyway (sorry)!
    Hey, there’s still time to make a char. Rognob is headed to the Friday group, so we’ll have at least two spots open for Tuesday.

  4. It was good times. I think I like this much better than when I went back for progression. No sitting around looking for a group only to get somewhere and get trained out 500 times by idiots. Also it does not feel like I need to level constantly to try to keep up with the “cool guilds” that are going to open all the content because its already all open for us to explore!

  5. Sorry I couldnt make it :(*. Had something come up with the wife right before we were supposed to start. I should be there next week as your rogue 🙂

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