1) David Cook. Randy needs to shut up. David C brings down the house.
2) Syesha. I love her. She’s totally got a career.
3) David Archuletta. He ruins whatever he touches.
David C. and Syesha for final 2 — my dream matchup.
Gawd, they’re doing the recap right now and every time Archie sings it’s sleep-inducing (though his second song was good). I love, er, hate how he ruined the Dan Fogelberg song.
DialIdol is predicting David C by a landslide, David A next, and Syesha to come third. That’s a CRIME against HUMANITY. No WAY Archie deserves to make it into the final two.
13 thoughts on “American Idol Top 3 night”
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I agree totally… but that little bugger’s got the teen girl audience all to himself nearly.
He blows butt monkies… but like Simon’s said before, the show too often becomes a popularity contest with little to do about real talent. I mean Carly shouldn’t have gone anywhere near as early as she did and Jason Castro shouldn’t have EVER been in the top 50 much less 10.
And yes… I’ve let the cat out of the bag. I’ve been watching this year. David Cook FTW.
I would have liked to see Amanda Odermayer in the top 10, Carly in the Top 3, and Michael Johns in the top 5. I actually grew to like Brooke a lot, but that poor girl and Jason were both getting really close to a breakdown on stage. Syesha brings it EVERY week, though.
I have to agree with your dream matchup. I’ve been pulling for Syesha the whole time.
If this follows last year’s arc, David Cook will be eliminated tonight, just as Melinda Doolittle got the boot to everyone’s shock last year. If I have to watch David Archuletta singing elevator music while standing stiffly with his arm half-outstretched, squinting out at the camera one more time, it better be when he’s singing his exit song. Tonight.
At least both Syesha and David C. know how to look and act like stars. David A. looks like he’s singing for the folks down at grandma’s retirement community. He makes even new songs sound old.
I still hate American Idol for bullying around scripted television and refuse to watch it. I so however like the music of a couple of people that were “found” through it so I guess it serves some purpose.
I’ve “obtained” David Cook’s solo album, Analog Heart, and was listening to it last night. I had missed AI because I was working at the time, so I needed my DC fix before the show went up on torrent so I could watch it before I read anything about the night on the AI blogs I follow. Anyway. It’s pretty good stuff. It’s obvious that people with experience in front of a crowd (like all three of the finalists) have a huge advantage over those who were true noobs to the business.
Tonight’s a writing night and I’ll have DC’s album playing for inspiration until the results show comes on.
I absolutely don’t understand why people so unthinkingly dismiss reality shows, or television altogether. I was trying to explain to someone the other day why I watch AI, even though it is so manipulative, as are all reality shows. It’s because it is real for the contestants. Once I found out that real people were being put through these trials, all of them trying to figure out just what it is the producers want from them while also trying to make themselves stand out and lastly trying to succeed at the nearly impossible demands of the contest… it makes scripted shows seem shallow and plastic in comparison.
Take Project Runway. You’re given a model and a bunch of fabric and a theme. You have to make an outfit that fits the theme, is attractive, looks good on the model, looks unique and classy and like something someone would get excited about and want to buy, in three hours.
Who can take that sort of pressure? Think of having to do that — and then, actually succeeding at all those challenges. That’s pretty amazing.
I appreciate ‘talent’ reality shows – American Idol, Project Runway and heck – even America’s Next Top Model … Indeed, trying to make something wearable under the time constraints and sleep deprived conditions is a task worth admiring – but I cannot watch shows like the Bachelor … or .. all those love connection ones where contestants try to outdo each other .. ugh!
btw, first time replier – but follow this space faithfully – keep it up =)
Hey, thanks
I totally agree with you there. I can’t take the Big Brother/Bachelor shows where people try not to be excellent, but to take other people down. People showing their best under pressure — that I like. People showing their worst — nah.
I haven’t watched a minute of that show since Sanjaya was kicked off.
Without following American Idol at all, I’ll just offhandedly predict that David A. guy to win. http://votefortheworst.com/ has his back.
Lol… DialIdol, which bases its predictions on how often voters get a busy signal, disagrees
I really enjoyed the top 5 American idol group song last night. It was moving to see Aaron Kelly eliminated but I believe the other contestants were better hence he had to go!
I see American Idol winner Lee has recently signed up to RCA records. Can’t wait to get his new album.