Om Fox last night, we got to see the judges fawn over teen belter David Archuletta and damn indie-rocker David Cook with faint praise. Really. If David C. were a girl, Paula would have told him he looked lovely. However, predicts that opinions of the judges aside, David C. has won this by a landslide, based on busy signals of people trying to call in. My own thoughts? David A. has real talent, but I still thought his songs were boring. If he weren’t singing them on American Idol, I wouldn’t give them a moment of time. David C.’s songs didn’t reach out and grab me either, but if I were flipping through radio stations and he was singing, I’d probably leave it tuned there. I thought he should have rocked out a lot more.
And over in the Mythos forums, players are trying to guess when Flagship Studios will release the new Overworld mega-patch. It was just promised as “mid week”, and the devs are apparently trying to get a grip on some nasty bugs before they push the patch out for testing. I don’t know if the Overworld is going first to their test server or the beta server, but I’ll find it wherever it is :/
2 thoughts on “All votes are final”
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It’s all about American Idol today! I heard a nice piece about it on NPR Morning Edition on the way into work today.
Hey. it’s REALLY GOOD. You’d like it if you watched it, even if you can’t stand the music.
And they mentioned an article in the New Yorker:
My favorite is how people just tune me out when I start talking about American Idol
Entertainment Weekly’s excellent Idol finale recap.,,20007164_20171835_20201522,00.html
What has this to do with MMOs? I dunno. MMOs are really social games, right? Otherwise, you might as well just replay Oblivion. Well, watching American Idol is a social thing as well. Though to be honest, nobody here at work ever talks about AI, unlike back at Surya, where we all talked about it. Guess that’s the difference of working in the IT department of an insurance company vs the IT department of a women’s fashion warehouse.