I promise, this is the last American Idol post (for now)

Here’s why you American Idol haters need to take another look. I was an AI hater, but then, I had never actually watched the show. I just hated it in theory; since it was on television (strike one), was popular (oh, definitely a strike two), and focused on people who seemed to bask in songs without a lot of melody (boom, strike three).
Then I actually WATCHED it. Since then I have tried to remember, whenever I criticize something I haven’t actually tried, that I could be very wrong.
Here’s the two Davids, Archuletta and Cook, opening the show with Nickelback’s “Hero”:

And here’s third place finisher Syesha Mercado duoing with Seal on his song “Waiting For You”

7 thoughts on “I promise, this is the last American Idol post (for now)”

  1. Good stuff that.
    I thought Seal overmatched Syesha, though. It kind of exposed her vocally. I enjoyed the song and thought she was good but performing next to Seal was more than they should have asked of her.

  2. I’ve watched a few episodes with my parents and with friends and still think it’s an insipid waste of time.

  3. At least you gave it a chance!
    This season was special, though. I know your family were David A supporters, they probably skipped past the good ones 🙂
    Listening to my handmade David C album and he is FANTASTIC. I mean, I’m freakin’ listening to Mariah Carey, Dolly Parton and Michael Jackson songs and they sound GOOD. The Neil Diamond one, well, better than Neil Diamond. What Cook does with the sometimes-iffy source material is something amazing.

  4. His Baba O’Reilly left a little to be desired, and his Hungry like the wolf rendition was off key until the chorus…where he hit the notes just right…
    Otherwise, David C. he is the better “performer”…I just kept thinking David A. was slow every time I watched him…and a sucky personality does not lead to great sales…
    Speaking of awesome personalities…Gordon Ramsay on Hell’s Kitchen…THAT is a fun reality show..

  5. Okay, I did not like Hungry as a Wolf. I thought Baba O’Reilly was okay, though.
    David C’s “full length” Idol songs are 500% better than the short excerpts they sang on the show…
    I’ve tried to watch Hell’s Kitchen, but I don’t like abusive people, just turns me off.

  6. I used to watch it, but stopped. I got sick and tired of FOX throwing around the weight of American Idol to disrupt the viewership of other shows. I simply found the tactic of extending the results show five minutes into the premier another show for ratings purposes a disrespectful way to treat the viewership. I decided to start watching shows that were more costly to produce as a way of showing my support for those shows. There is nothing wrong with AI, but it’s hardly the best show on television and they are very pointedly using tactics to eliminate other quality programming. The semi-live format is undeniably an excellent way to shift around a programming schedule in order to cause maximum disruption of viewership for competitive networks. Kudos to the FOX executives on finding a way to destroy the competition and dominate the TV lineup. Personally, I feel better about myself having opted out of that vicious cycle.

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