Miragul, the busiest man in necromancy


If YOU had to keep a bunch of different dungeons stocked with monstrosities, all day, every day, how would you find time to do anything else, like corrupting snow orcs, or plotting the destruction of the world or anything? The Everfrost LDoN instances? They are there to keep Miragul BUSY. He was working overtime last night as two groups of Nostalgians woke him up from his slumber to hand us some iced confectionery goodness.
I never know who is going to show up on our weekly excursions. That makes it really hard to try and keep everyone around the same level, determine where we can go and whatnot. Last night was okay; we ended up with two groups of four, but we weren’t enough people to do hard LDoNs (though one group tried, and it was tough). We’re also about to go past a druid or shaman’s ability to solo-heal any sort of difficult content. Malfi did great for our group last night, but he was at his limits. Superior Heal will be a nice upgrade for him, but clerics have already gotten Complete Healing — something that druids won’t be able to compete with until the late 50s.
Anyway. I spent the night cursed into Kobold form, but it wasn’t entirely a bad thing. I was a rogue again, which meant I could disarm traps, open locked boxes, and just generally be sneaky. DPS wasn’t too bad; it wasn’t great, but it was okay. Unlike the other group, we didn’t attempt any hard LDoNs, and it was a fairly decent night. Some overpulls, but usually we were able to recover from them. A couple of deaths but no wipes.
While I like LDoNs, the points we earn from them are trivial — I got 8 for each adventure last night — and the stuff we would need are scattered all over six different camps, which must be raised individually. Until we hit the hard cap of level 51 and start working on AAs, we can’t really start the extreme LDoN grinding we would need to actually get anything beneficial from the LDoNs — and at 50, we’ll be starting on the Dragons of Norrath missions anyway. The LDoNs have pretty much served their purpose for reasons of Nostalgia, anyway.
With 51 so close, we’re going to be focusing on hot zones to hit the cap. Next week was going to be Lower Guk, but after thinking about it, we’re going to be headed to Dulak Harbor, a hot zone for 40s, and see if we can just get into some pirate-killing action and work out a few quests while we’re there.

5 thoughts on “Miragul, the busiest man in necromancy”

  1. I enjoyed Miragul’s. It was always my favorite LDON. The DoN expansion really killed LDON, simply nobody does them anymore. It’s a bit sad, but not really surprising. They were somewhat oppressive. In my opinion, they should drastically increase the points you earn for each mission so that people can actually make use of this expansion again.

  2. I feel like I earned my healing stripes this week! It was fun, but definitely a stretch for my abilities. I’m looking forward to being secondary healer with either Coldheat or Ishbel in the future. Then I think we will be UNSTOPPABLE! 🙂

  3. well, the FIRST thing they could do is unlock stuff based on your total earned points, not just the points earned in that camp. We will never earn enough points to get useful things for every class, since the things that benefit various classes are scattered among the camps. Back when everyone was doing LDoNs, maybe that was okay, but it definitely doesn’t work now.

  4. @Malfi — well, maybe we can get back to doing HARD LDoNs 🙂 I was really worried about the really quite hard dungeons yet to come — I think we understand now that stuff will be hard even with good gear, largely because we kill more, faster, than old EQ groups/

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