Crafting enhancements in Project Powder


New outfit 🙂 And halfway through level 6. Experience is slowing down, and it seems that only finishing in first place really moves the experience bar much. The only way forward is to start using level 2+ tricks, which confer an experience bonus. And the only way to do THAT is to complete the level 2 licenses, which require doing a fast series of tricks and reaching the end of the course in 36 seconds. I haven’t managed to earn any level 2 tricks. Usually I am just a second or two behind. I need more speed. And to get THAT — I need to craft enhancements.
I apologize for the lack of screenshots illustrating all this; Project Powder’s closed beta test isn’t open. So you’ll have to take me at my word that when you buy outfits, accessories, or new boards in the item shops, most of them will have one or more enhancement slots for things like Trick (red), Luck (purple), Turn (yellow), and Speed (blue?). Gems fit into the slots, and gems are crafted from the ores you occasionally get when you finish a race.
To turn ores into gems require a magic box, which you can buy at the (duh) magic shop.*
The better the box, the better the gem it can make. All boxes are good for one use only. All require three of the same kind of ore — one each of Flawless, Normal and Chipped ores. Find it in your inventory, place the ores in the correct slots, and press the “Magic” button. It spins for awhile and (hopefully) spits out a gem. The quality — and PHASE — of the finished gem determine the amount it will boost your stats. Unequip the gear with the slot that will take the gem, drag the gem on to it, et voila, you are turning tighter, going faster, getting more benefit from your tricks or — I don’t know what Luck does.
You can trade items and ores to other players by sending them as gifts. And you can remove enhancements with the “de-enhance” button in your inventory.
Enhancement gems (and level 2+ tricks) are the key to winning higher level races — and you will find yourself increasingly locked from the lower races as you level. Best thing to do is to save up your money and buy the best items with lots of slots. It’s the only way to shred.
* Okay, this is kind of off topic, but I’ll tell it anyway. My son and I went to Rhode Island last week to tour a college. Now, we live in New England, which is proud of its colonial heritage, so it wasn’t all that surprising that we passed a mall called The Shoppes at Blackstone Valley. The use of “Shoppes” supposed to make you imagine that instead of an air-conditioned, parking lot-choked temple to consumer plastic, that it is a small collection of hand-hewn, rustic village shops clustered together, with the kindly owners living in small apartments above them. But we’ll forgive them that. When we got into Warwick, we noticed that one store had decided to become even MORE authentic, and MORE colonial, by calling itself a “Cheese Shoppee”. Shop-ee. I have an idea for an even MORE authentic store. I’ll call it a “SHOPPPEEEE”. Be thinking you were back in Renaissance London with that.

8 thoughts on “Crafting enhancements in Project Powder”

  1. Got to level 5 today and started on the tier 2 tricks… they definitely take some time to get….still unsure of the quest thing …. I bought a couple things nothing too big as they dissappear in 7 days anyways … any coin runs with more than 4 ppl today would just crash … they need a free ride mode just like in SSX so you can explore the tracks.

  2. Hmm well that is odd… sorry for double post but the posts don’t show up right away from the home.

  3. Weird.
    Hey, were you able to complete the second tier of any tier 2 tricks? The 36 second ones with five tricks, three ramps, and seemingly not enough time to finish?
    I am so stuck on those. I know you have to use boost to complete them but it just isn’t working out for me. I NEED those tricks 😛 I see lots of people using tier 2+ tricks in races, so I know lots of people are not having trouble….
    Oh, absolutely agree on the free ride thing. All the tracks I have seen have short cuts but there’s never any time to explore them. I have found a couple by following other people.

  4. I have done a couple, you just have to do the first trick right at the start then the next ones on the ramps you should be able to do two tricks on the ramps.

  5. Yeah, that’s how I can get all five tricks done — I can get the first two done on the trip to the first ramp — D, D, then D+ on the ramp, D on the hill and D+ on the next ramp. I usually get to the finish line one or two seconds too late. I’m probably just not getting enough boosts. I managed to get past the end once by just focusing on boosts without doing tricks, but of course failed because — no tricks.
    Are you doing D, then D+ off the same ramp? I did that accidentally once but couldn’t repeat it.
    (Replace D with the control of choice, all tier 2 tricks are the same).

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