Just discovered the blog of Javier Grillo-Marxuach, the creator, writer and artist for “The Middleman” comics and the new TV series of the same name. Monday nights. ABC Family. Lots of inside info about upcoming episodes and behind the scenes stuff. Yeah, I know YOU’RE already watching the best comedy SF show on television right now, but I’m just letting those other people who are too good and hip to watch television know about it.
I mean, I just can’t believe where you (not you, those other people) get off always telling me TV is crap. Every single season I have to come back and say, look at this, this, and this. Now my preggers (but not for long) sister has just revealed she has just started getting into Battlestar Galactica. Welcome to three years ago, Hillary Finally, though!
So anyway. The Middleman. You’ll love it. You overseas people, it’s just now starting to hit the torrents.
8 thoughts on “The Middleblog”
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I actually saw this show before…
It was called the Tick!
This totally reminded me of that show. Tick was a little more out there at times, but same premise..
Like Tick, you will like The Middleman…quirky and fun!
Also Javier Grillo-Marxuach was responsible as a Co-Producer for Medium (with that Arquette babe), and supervised a section of Lost for 2 years.
But, then we see he really likes his “Alien” “Weirdos” and “Mystical” settings quite bit as we go back and see he worked on the short lived “The Chronicles” and “Charmed”. Along with quick stints on “The Pretender” and “Seaquest DSV”
This man has quite a resume…
Cheers for good taste as always
Unfortunately, “The Tick” came on when I was one of those people who was too good and clever to watch television, so I missed it. I did read some of the comics, though, and yeah, it’s in the same vein
Though Tick was WAY sillier.
Spoooooooooooooooooooon! There I’ve shown my nerd pride.
Anyways, I’m surprised to see a post related to television on your site and no mention of the Dr. Who series finale.
Um, I’m not knowledgeable enough about Doctor Who from the 1960s on to talk about it. I missed most of the references. I pretty much felt they made the episode for someone else, someone who, for example, was familiar with Davros and the Daleks. I remember seeing the Daleks on an episode or two of the Tom Baker series I watched when I was a kid, but …. /shrug. The last episode I really liked was “Midnight”.
Maybe if I was more into Whovian lore, I wouldn’t have thought the ending was so stupid. I thought last year’s was stupid, too.
Haha, well Spoon! is the Tick’s battle cry in the cartoon.
The Dr. Who series finale was stupid simply because they have stopped trying to use realistic explanations for how the good guys win. It’s been a problem for awhile lately, but they are about to hand the main writing and directing duties to a different guy. I believe Steven Moffat will be in charge for the next season and he was the writer of Blink and Midnight. Should be a interesting change for the series though the new season isn’t due until 2010 from what I hear.
They discussed our current Doctor, David Tennant, leaving. He was to do a stage production of Hamlet. Those darn actors would rather give up quick cash to show their chops.
Those happen to be the ones I like …hehe
Anyways, they almost discussed Robert Carlysle as the next Doctor, and I nearly fell off my chair, as he is a major all time favorite of mine. This guy is amazing.
But, this is the reason we do not have the Doctor in 2009 (except for some specials…3 or 4). Luckily, David is in them, and is slated for 2010. So all is good.
I like David and his characterization is just top notch.
But, I always think of this little ditty when I think of David (hilarious)
David is Davina!
Hmmm…link was broken above…weird
Here it is in all it’s messy glory
It woulda been kinda cool if Catherine Tate had been “DoctorDonna” for a series. This would have been the perfect opportunity to have a woman Doctor, AND they wouldn’t have to use up one of the Doctor’s regenerations for it — he could be out of commission for awhile or something, and she’d be taking the TARDIS around and doing his job until he could return. And THEN they could have had the biologic metacrisis.
I think that would have been a FANTASTIC thing to do.