Journeyman conjurer Tara Mythcrafter, of Myth House, is among those working to decipher the glyphs on the obelisks that stand throughout the dig site.
Students from Ravenwood College have discovered an intact, ancient Krokotopian tomb in the Valley of the Long-Mouths, the first since Kroklord Fangolopat’s was found in 1922. The team, led by Myth House instructor Cyrus Drake, found the previously unknown tomb complete with sarcophagi and five mummies. The students have not yet been able to identify them.
But chief archaeologist Professor Fleming says they “might be royals or nobles” moved from “original graves to protect them from charmed Mamblers”. “We don’t really know what kind of creatures are inside but I do believe they look royal. Maybe they are kings or queens or nobles,” he told Ravenwood News. “We have wizards from both the house of Life and the recently re-discovered house of Death examining the mummies for clues.”
The house of Death was recently found to have fallen from Ravenwood College to the Nightside realm. Self-taught Death wizards recently discovered its whereabouts and are using it as a base from which to explore Nightside City. The connection with the findings in Krokotopia are thus far unknown.
Ravenwood? As in Dr. Abner Ravenwood? He whose daughter had the headpiece needed to find the Ark?
Abner! Abner! That little goyle across the street is doin’ witchcraft! She made a cat hova’ in the air like it was nothin’!
“Bewitched”. There, got one
I feel better about myself now.