12 thoughts on “Dr. Horrible act III.”

  1. When watching Joss Whedon projects, it’s always, always, always a good idea to brace yourself for something awful when things start looking like they might work out the way you want. I speak from experience.
    It’s also a good idea to remember that nothing is ever irreversible in Joss projects.
    I do feel your pain, though.

  2. Yep. Whedon loves to have a sting in the tail. You often got this with Buffy and Angel, and even Firefly, when something happened in the last moments of an episode and the last few seconds were of silence. And then there was the Buffy where her mum died.
    I must admit I didn’t expect Dr Horrible to end the way it did though. Be careful what you wish for?

  3. I can’t say I like it. It’s not that it didn’t have a happy ending. It’s that the first two episodes were more humor than drama, and this one’s more drama. I’ll probably just download the first two.

  4. My mouth is hanging open. I sure do hope he makes this into a tv show or a full length feature film ’cause that ending was lame. Penny was a freaking awesome character!

  5. ‘k, that was fun. Next….
    (I’ve kept my evil vile comments over on <a href=”http://almagill.livejournal.com/162999.html”m’own pages”)

  6. Even though it was a comedy I wasn’t that suprised when Penny died since Joss Whedon has shown he’s perfectly capable of killing off his characters. I hope they continue the project and I plan on supporting it by getting the DVD when it comes out. Whether you like the ending or not there needs to be more work like this done on the internet.

  7. Oh, I am there for the DVD. Interviews the cast show no fourth episode is planned, but you never know. I’d like to see Wash and Book come back from Serenity, too, but that probably isn’t happening either.

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