Everyone’s excited about the new search site “Cuill.com“, just because they are burning their venture capital on caviar-filled bathtubs or whatever and it was started by ex-Google employees.
Personally, I have yet to find anything I was looking for on that site. Like, just today, I wanted to see how well the personal finance program Quicken was doing in getting ported to Linux, perhaps via the WINE software that can bring many Windows programs to the Linux desktop. My son’s going off to college and I will need a very strict budget. So I typed “linux wine quicken” into a few search engines.
Searching via Google brings up its usual results screen, and the very first entry is one about running Quicken 2007 under WINE. Excellent.
I typed the same words into Searchmee and the first entries were about Crossover, the commercial version of WINE, and its adventures with Quicken.
I tried it in Cuill and… two entries from some guy about how he installed Ubuntu a few years back, a list of packages for SuSE 10 (a version of Linux) that had nothing to do with Quicken, and six spam pages that are just long lists of keywords meant to entrap search engines.
Because I like reading about myself as much as anyone, I did an ego search on me with my name followed by MMO, because there was a 60s soul singer who shares my name who gets all the love. And every result (which was largely everything I wrote at Massively) has a different picture of the *famous* person next to it.
Just… not feeling it for Cuill.
Almost forgot to post this… got too into flipping through Searchme pages. I love Searchme.
15 thoughts on “If you just want to find anything, Cuill sucks.”
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So what you’re saying is that cuil is not cool?
Sorry, had to do it.
It’s going to be pretty hard to throw Google off of it’s throne.
Jason (resident drunken idiot of Channel Massive)
My inner grammar police cannot be held back, I apologize in advance.
It’s one L, cuil, not cuill.
Give it a chance though, all sites are built for google (popularity, tons of links etc). Cuil uses a different algorithm which judges relevance based on content, which was abused greatly before Google switched their algorithm where links made bigger relevance.
I’m not a fan of it really, too many bugs. I hope they make it better!
Interesting, I search for Cow Nose on Cuil and the first result is my profile on a forum that I have hardly ever used, my blog nowhere in site. Google has my blog the 4th result down from Cow Nose. Searchme has no results for Cow Nose, much less my blog!
If I google, “Cow Nose the 50 Pound Cat” on search me, my blog is #1. Google ofc has my blog as #1. Strangely Cuil has lots of posts by me in various forums, but still no blog! Perhaps Cuil is obsessed with archiving forums?
Anyways hehe that was a fun diversion, thanks Tipa.
@Sean *gasp* my silent son-in-law posts! HI SEAN!
I haven’t had any luck with Cuil either, but I’ve got it bookmarked for the next time Google fails me (which is rare). It seems to be better suited to researching general subjects than finding specifics.
It works differently, so you probably have to pick different words than you would for Google when doing a search.
It’s craptacular.
I did a search on Brad McQuaid. Excellent because he’s well known but not mainstream. There were several duplicate results with exactly the same verbiage. There were no hits on the FoH boards until page 10, then all of page 11 were FoH hits. And page 12. And most of page 13.
Doesn’t seem useful in it’s current iteration.
Yep, I do read your blog from time to time. Been real busy with work and working on the Kia every night. I didn’t work on it last night though, went swimming with Matt and Ally instead.
Keep up the good posts!
Plus, Brad has done very well at keeping out of the news since the day Sigil died. Apparently, his job responsibilities at SOE are not newsworthy enough for notice. Searchme does wonderfully looking for news of Brad McQuaid. It categorizes the results rapidly and correctly and uncovers bits of Brad all over the internet.
@Sean: How’s the job going? What do they have you doing?
Let’s see my job is this..
Oh new project let’s see here… okay I need to post 14 pages. Alright I’ve downloaded them, start logging my time into connectwise. Great.
Now for my work. Ctrl-c alt-tab ctrl-v shift-click ctrl-b shift-click del click alt-tab ctrl-c alt tab ctrl-v alt tab ctrl c alt-tab ctrl-v.
Now to add links. alt-tab, click, ctrl-c alt-tab ctrl-v… repeat a few times.
Lastly, revise for spelling mistakes and remove tags! Now do it again 15 times! Woo!
I finish all my work in about an hour or two, and spend the rest of the day reading google news, or reading matt cutt’s blog. Maybe read some d2jsp forums, or work on my website. Now I just spread out the workload for the entire day.
I also add Google Maps and Yahoo Local listing for the doctors. Probably the most boring job I’ve ever had ever. I really wish I was programming. I’m starting to get rusty. *sigh*
On the bright side, my boss wants me to read up on C# to get working on some programming things. The pay is !@#$ but I haven’t had any luck getting a better paying job.
Have you ever thought of a dynamic job in software quality assurance with a rock-solid stable company in the Hartford, Connecticut area? We even have a huge group of people who just go around setting up people’s accounts and setting up computers, troubleshooting internet connections and stuff. You might even have a relative working for such a place…
Just saying
If it wasn’t for the fact that I am tied down here in southern california I’d consider moving there. It’d make Ally happy, and my family furious
But regardless of what my family thinks, I’m chained down by the marine corps until Dec 2009
I did a vanity search on ogrebears, and ya i’m not really feeling the site either. I thing a lot of the excitement died down rather quickly after people did some searches and didn’t get back what they thought they would.
Here’s the other thing…
I have tried to do searches with multiple search terms, and I don’t get any results. Their algorithm needs some tuning before it works like an average user expects it to work.
Looks like a niche product for sure.
Cuill is fighting with Google I VOTE GOOGLE TO win everybody who own a website BAN CUILL from yours are your site my be the next target involves Google