Game Update 47 went live yesterday, though not without problems for me. I was a little apprehensive about the patch because it had consistently crashed my computer when I was trying to check it out on Test, but I patched (eventually) and logged in fine. Stargrace was after me to get on voice chat, and even after all her detailed, patient instructions, it just didn’t work. It would say “You are not in a channel” whenever I pressed the push to talk button, even though I had selected a channel. Midway through the evening, it suddenly began working. No, I don’t know why.
The chat quality was on par with Ventrilo, so that ws good. Unfortunately, voice chat only works when you are logged in to that game. Ventrilo, not being tied to any one game, let’s me chat with people from any game or no game at all. Since my Befallen characters are not on Najena, I couldn’t chat in the Nostalgia guild channel unless I logged over there. Which I did, logging in Brightknife while Dorah did her stuff on Befallen. And not Najena, because after four tries to transfer her over to Najena and getting a “Service Violation” each time, I gave up. Each failed transfer attempt looks to my bank like a hacking attempt and after awhile they shut down my card — that’s what happened last time I tried to transfer my Befallen characters to Najena. I got into chat with a tech support rep and he just cut and pasted useless stuff that didn’t help.

Some guides were playing around, trying to get people to get drunk and leap to their deaths. One of the participants claimed they were having fun, and a guide responded that this was just as much fun for them. I can believe that! In fact I imagine it was even MORE fun for them Honestly, if it was all that much fun, you’d see people getting drunk and leaping off cliffs just for the fun of it even without guides around, no? The guides could have been more creative, though, with their willing audience. “Okay, you there, you’re Mommy Cat, and you over there are Daddy Cat, and you in the middle there are the full moon on a warm summer night. Okay, GO!”
I kid

What else? Oh yeah, the new reputation crafting clothing. Naturally, I bought it immediately, but it just barely fit. Is this any way for a halfling to dress? I mean, we tend to simple, rustic dresses and broad-rimmed hats to keep the sun off.

I complained to the merchant there, and she said it was no fault of hers (naturally), but the dresses were tailored for gnomes and only barely fit on any other race. For barbarian women, there’s only enough fabric for a couple of tassels and a G-string. I dunno about that. But look how nicely it matches my tradeskill epic cloak!

I was checking through the guild hall supplies to see if there was any insufficiently guarded bits of stone or ore I could safeguard in my bank vault — for the glory of the Overlord, of course! — when who should happen by but Lord Blayze, who was pretty pleased with the work thus far, but went all Darth Vader at Death Star 2 on the engineer when he requested more materials to replace the extensive supplies of rare ores which had just recently gone missing (oops… what did I do! heh…) On time and under budget, that’s the Freeport way!

Swam out to have a look at it, and nice job thus far, folks! That has me wondering which city Nostalgia will have its guild hall in. Evil, spiteful, hateful Qeynos, or refreshingly honest Freeport? If SOE ever gets their act together and allows me to transfer my characters, we may yet find out.
I didn’t do anything with the new void storm quests. Still burned out from the 21 times I did the previous one to get all my armor, weapons and house items, and I hear you now have to do it separately for every person in your group, for no reason at all that I can think of.
When they first showcased the Guild Hall idea at Fan Faire last year, the thought was that your members could access your guild hall from either location – FP or Qeynos. The entrance lead to the same guild hall. It will be interesting to see how the actual implementation goes through.
*looks at picture of halfling in lingerie*
*screams and hits own thumb with tack-hammer*
Wow.. that dress is just.. not good.. on halflings… you can see their panties?!
At least there is a “world wide” nostalgia chat channel set up now, as opposed to using the guild one. For anyone on any server (granted, it only works in EQ2). I’m glad it finally started randomly working for you (why on earth it didn’t work before I’ll never know).
I ended up crashing and going to bed some what early (for once), sorry for cutting the conversation short.. haha.. short.. halfling.. get it? *grins*
See you tonight for EQ1 fun!
Yes, Dorah shops at Victoria’s “it ain’t too much of a” Secret. You likee likee?
Dorah is HAWT!!! RAWR!
I have always enjoyed women of shorter stature and not Paris Hilton / Nicole Ritchie in need of food…if you get my drift.
(Wonders if maybe he should renew now)
Still burned out from the 21 times I did the previous one to get all my armor, weapons and house items, and I hear you now have to do it separately for every person in your group, for no reason at all that I can think of.
Nah. It’s easy peasy, way simpler this time. You have the travel hit once, doing the initial quest. Then you can go to any void storm (doesn’t matter if it’s grey) and just park yourself there and keep killing. I did 20 coupons this evening on a Neriak toon, who managed a whole half dozen on the last round because she couldn’t stand the travel.
When grouped, the chest stays there after you loot my shred and says there’s nothing in it . So I can’t prove it (the other person in the group was miles away) but I’m pretty sure each round offers enough shreds for the entire group.
(oh and give Openedge1 my phone number. My boyfriend commented recently that when he met me I looked like my EQ1 wood-elf and these days I look like my EQ2 halfling. *sulk*)
*Winks at halflings with real thighs….*