Patch Day! EQ gets voice chat! Monks get lightheaded! Groups get merged!

Nostalgia guildmate Davic brings news of the latest patch notes from EverQuest! I knew the EQ2 GU48 stuff was coming, but I was totally blindsided by THESE!
— Voice chat now in EQ, same as it is in EQ2 (and can we chat between EQ and EQ2?)
— Groups can automatically merge if there is room. I have three spots free in my group, so do you, I invite you, one group all together!
— Coin no longer has weight! No longer can we ridicule people who took out a lot of money from the bank in the Bazaar (where weight doesn’t count) and then left the zone… unable to move…
— Linkdeath timer is now one minute rather than three! So you can get back into the game faster…
Good stuff! Read the full patch notes here!

6 thoughts on “Patch Day! EQ gets voice chat! Monks get lightheaded! Groups get merged!”

  1. So ok.. The cite thing didn’t work the way I expected it to.. You swapped the linkdeath timer info.. Its one minute instead of three..

  2. Now I’m mad. Back in the day, I would ditch copper on my monk, because the weight would hurt my armor class. As I leveled, I even started ditching silver. It probably didn’t amount to all that much, but it was irritating.
    And we had to RUN from Freeport to Qeynos in the SNOW. And it was uphill both ways!!!

  3. “– Coin no longer has weight! No longer can we ridicule people who took out a lot of money from the bank in the Bazaar (where weight doesn’t count) and then left the zone… unable to move…”
    Why not take everything cool out of MMO’s while you are at it. Some of my funniest moments came from that!

  4. Groups can automatically merge if there is room. I have three spots free in my group, so do you, I invite you, one group all together!
    Hmm…almost Open Groups…almost…lol
    The WAR rages on I guess.
    These look good. Have fun!

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