I know, you want to see pictures :/ But when I’m home, I’m playing Spore! I’ll put some up tonight. If you have Spore, you can see all my stuff by putting “tipadaknife” on your buddy list. I put Bildo and Darren on, and now I have some of their stuff trundling along in my world. It’s always fun to see a friendly face, though most of the stuff on the worlds I encounter are the things I made in Sunday’s game.
I started last night from the Tribal phase, on Normal mode, rather than Easy which I’d played the first time around. I doubt I will ever play the cell game again, and the creature phase, aside from seeing all the different creatures, was pretty boring as well. The Tribe phase, with its simple RTS, at least has some replay value.
My race was an evolved form of carnivorous cat. Where Sunday’s race was a kind of herbivorous rat/bird mix with violent tendencies, my prey-hunting Tribal Tabbies were as much interested in playing their didgeridoos as fighting. I allied myself with two tribes and was forced to destroy three others — one of which attacked me as I was trying to make peace. I marched into the last tribe’s village as a parade — my villagers playing wooden horns, maracas and didgeridoos as they filed in. I laid a gift basket of food down on their food store, serenaded them with my songs, and entered the Civilization phase in Economy mode.
You can’t build weapons in Economy mode. Your only option is to form trade routes with other cities and keep donating money to them until you can just outright buy the city. Only one opponent was economy (and I took that city quickly). The others were split between military and religious. While I had to keep paying ever-increasing bribes to keep out of war, they were having a merry old time lobbing bombs at each other and occasionally picking off one of my canine Poochinator cargo mechs. And of course all I could do was protest. Well, I did eventually ally with a military empire and paid them to go destroy a particularly annoying empire that kept sending planes to bomb my cities.
I wanted my ally’s cities in the worst way. I managed to get one through economic means, but the other just wouldn’t fall, so now that I had military power from the first of its cities, I used it to attack the other city, which gave me a port. I used my new ships that could actually fight back to clear the seas of all other shipping and take the offshore spice mines for my own.
By this time, the religious Red empire had pretty much taken over the second continent, save only for one cyan city, which hadn’t responded well to five hundred foot high holographic cats yelling sermons at them all day and all night.
Red and I had had some minor skirmishes, but had managed to avoid going to war. I opened up trade routes with two of its coastal cities, and then used my special ability to instantly purchase cities with whom you have trade routes to take them both. This gave me enough cities to use my game-ending power to purchase every city in the world, and so I entered Space phase as a Trader, which has similar powers. I can buy any planet with whom I have a trade route, but they want millions of Sporleons, more than I have at the moment, but once I do, I imagine the conquest of the galaxy will be just as quick as the conquest of the world was, once I got the city-buying power.
I’ve already encountered the empire of my species from the first game
Even at Normal level, the tribal and civilization phases were easy. Aggressors were more aggressive, but special moves like being able to outright purchase cities (or in military mode, nuke them from orbit) make it difficult to really get in trouble you can’t get out of. Being an economy civilization meant I was rich and could afford the sort of bribes to keep my city safe while I conquered my enemies by economic means.
I may restart the game once more to go the entirely social route and see how the religious empires work. They don’t get guns, either, so if they try to convert a military city, that city can just bring out some guns and shoot the sermonizers. I guess they might be able to make some headway against economy or other religious empires, though.
12 thoughts on “Spore again…”
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The only advantage for not skipping phases is that you get a special ability for every phase you’ve completed, and all those little tools can come in handy in tribe and civ phase.
I got to Civ phase last night with my “middle of the road” species and I have to admit I have no idea how to advance as an economic city — I only know how to wage war so I gotta figure out this whole city buyout thing. (and I turned off tooltips early in my second game).
There seems to be a substantial void of game guides or FAQs for this title at the moment…
Economic cities advance through trade routes and bribes/”gifts” to a city until you can purchase it.
While the game seems pretty cool, it’s kind of sad they put such crappy DRM on it.
Check out
Or just make your voice heard
Thanks for the comments, Tipa! Holla back!
I failed at ordering spores!!! I ordered Warhammer, and Spore Pre orders together. I had forgoten to unclick the ship order in as few boxes as possible. So my copy of Spores will come when my Warhammer does… (so not tell after the 18th)
tipadaknife wouldn’t come up for me! I’ll try again tonight. I got Darren, but not you yet.
I did find a guy who created Nibbler from Futurama though and it’s spot on. Got lost in space for about 2 hours last night… damn thing is addictive.
Oh, and as for religiously converting cities, it works rather well if you get to the point first where you make a lot of spice on a steady stream through keeping your people happy and whatnot. What I do when converting a city via religion, is send out a troop of 4-6 vehicles (air, sea, land, w/e), and let them go at it. Then as they start to get picked off I keep making new units at the city I created the originals at, and send them out as reinforcements.
They could fire at me all they wanted, but there was no stopping my preaching.
@Ogrebears At least you remembered to ORDER it. I had a brainfart, was sure I’d put it on pre-order and then.. didn’t.
Thanks for these udates Tipa. The game certainly sounts a bit ‘lite’ on content but I think I’m still going to be picking a copy up. I just loved making critters with the Creator and it sounds like it’ll be a nice ‘holiday’ from hack’n’slash’n’loot’n’sell everywhere else.
Argh this game sounds cool but I dont understand what is going on! Ha ha. I will have to get this game apparently
Tipa, just got your comment on my Freakly Starship… and you’re so on the money.
I’m going to change it tonight, but I kept adding stuff and tweaking it and it started to look more and more like a wind-up toy. Good eye!
I think I solved my problem when it comes to finding you. I think it takes into consideration capital letters. So I need to type in TipaDaKnife to actually pull you up. We’ll see later tonight if I get a chance to log in.
I love using your and Darren’s creations in my world
Since I started using them, they seem to show up a lot more often in other races.
I’m gonna download Nibbler in the hopes he shows up for me. I already brought down some Pokemon, but haven’t seen them show up yet.
Also check out nitwhit (I think that’s how he spells it). His Portal Turret is very well done, among others.
Once again read this post. I am still in the creature/tribal stage and just get caught exploring and mucking about.
NECRO commenting I know, but just had to say