I promise, after this, no more Spore posts.
The most fun in the game is creating creatures and space ships. Tonight I made a Pierson’s Puppeteer from Larry Niven’s “Known Space” stories — it’s been done by others, but I like mine best. I made Corporal Legs and the spaceship Serial Peacemaker from Howard Tayler’s “Schlock Mercenary” web comic, and a couple others.
I was surprised nobody had done stuff from Schlock already.
Also watched Donnie Darko and the double episode of Buffy at the end of Season 2 where Angel gets his soul back and Buffy sends him to Hell anyway. So I’m in a weird mood.
I added you as a buddy. My profile is at http://www.spore.com/view/profile/anubis311
Cool! Looking forward to seeing your creations!
I’m going to have to abandon my current space game. My enemy wants at least 3 million Sporeleons to even consider peace, but will likely need more than 10 million to actually leave me alone. That empire destroyed every single one of my colonies, putting me back all the way out the arm to my homeworld, essentially making me start over again, but without any income since constant attacks prevent me from making money the easy way, through the spice trade. So that’s over.
I’m working on Known Space races. I did Puppeteer last night, which will be my race. A pacifist herbivore will hopefully offend fewer people in space than my expansionist carnivore apparently did. Life near the core is very scary, a LOT of hostile races in the area, and the only way they will make peace with you is to kill someone else for them.
I’ll be making Kzinti next — orange cat-like critters with huge flap ears and rat tails, totally aggressive — just because.they need to be around. I wouldn’t want to meet them in game. The Grog and the Kdatlyno should be pretty easy.
Now if there was only a way I could fit a Ringworld in there…
Funny you should take that route, I’m abandoning an economic carnivore space game because I lack the firepower to fight off the bullies, so I am going back to warriors…
Oh, I was economic, but my chosen route through the game was going to be through colonization and trade. The only thing left to me now is running missions and buying other people’s spice. I made a spreadsheet so I could track market prices, but the quantities available at NPC planets wasn’t enough to make the strategy viable.
Doing the tribal phase with a race without hands should be interesting.
Tonight, if I have time, I’ll do the vehicles for the space and civilization stages. Space will be a General Products #2 hull, obviously, so that’s pretty easy (the Puppeteers were spaceship hull merchants as well as being famous cowards and blackmailers). Since I don’t remember any specific description of other vehicles, aside from single person things like flycycles or those flying cars, I’ll probably model the land and air vehicles after Blade Runner’s “Spinner” cars, and go to Sporepedia for a ship.
My spaceship “Sojourner II” is probably the only vehicle I’ve come up with that I was really satisfied with. Sleek and clean.
Have you taken a look at my Quantum Foam Skipper? I made that last night as the flagship of the Puppeteer Empire. I am REALLY happy with how that turned out — and it looks GREAT in flight.
Mine always seem to come out like happy cartoons. It’s weird to see my own critters as I encounter them, threatening me and berating me and looking like happy cartoons 
I do like your critters. They look dark and mean
After having convinced myself that I was going to wait on spore until after the holiday rush of games, I ended up buying it tonight thanks to reading all about it on your blog, Tipa.
Boy am I glad I did too.
I added you as a friend already, but if anyone else wants to make friends, my EA name is: cacophonic7
Rob, I couldn’t find you under that ID…
Glad you’re liking the game. Just be sure to LEAVE THE GROX ALONE unless you’re pretty much done with the game and heading to the core is the last thing you want to do….