Warhammer has public quests, and open groups!!!!
Pfft, big deal. So does Wizard 101. (Joining a friend in an instanced dungeon automatically gives you the quest for that dungeon — et voila, public quests
/me calls up ISP to have them brace for a flood of traffic because I have mentioned Warhammer!
17 thoughts on “My desperate attempt at page views herein”
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You beckoned?
lol… By Crom, I have summoned the thing itself!
The irony of it all is that by the time I do get around to playing Warhammer, nobody will care anymore
You are missing some good times with the guild
My life is crazy busy right now and absolutely over the top stressful. There’s no way I could keep up with the leveling everyone else would be doing, so I’m not going to frustrate myself by trying. I’d rather not play than log in for a couple of hours every other week and have to listen to everyone talk about how neat the high level stuff is. When I have a lot of free time and life has settled down, I’ll try Warhammer.
Yea…you have to try it, or else you get the infamous “How can you say anything about it, as you did not try it” comments.
I did…
And I still felt the same AFTER playing it.
So, how big IS the page count.
I heard you can DOUBLE the traffic by adding the word “Sucks” after Warhammer.
Did someone say Warhammer?
Well, I had 608 page views Friday, so I expect well over 1200 tomorrow. $$$. Oh wait, I don’t make money on this. Damn.
Get your (insert generic mmorpg name here) gold from http://www.worldofwarquestgold.com
My server has not been crushed under the load of page views. The worst thing about not playing a game at launch is not being part of the initial rush where everyone eagerly devours all available information about something. I know nothing about Warhammer, but I’ve decided: I’m not going to let that stop me.
Back in 2nd or 3rd grade, I was doing horribly in school. We had to do oral reports about various stupid stuff, so, quite naturally, I didn’t bother to do it. My revelation came one day when we had to give an oral report about frogs (green, eat flies, jump, this was pre-Muppet Show so ‘hosting variety shows’ was still something I didn’t know frogs could do). What I noticed is that everyone’s oral reports were just pretty much the same.
If I just wasn’t FIRST, I could just say what everyone ELSE said.
This began my string of gold stars, and a realization that has stayed with me all my life. All you have to do to succeed, is to say what everyone else says. And if you can say what everyone ELSE says, but LOUDER… well, now you’re an authority.
So this night and every night for the rest of the week, I will be an authority on Warhammer Online. Tune in for the fun
@mbp — I actually checked out that site. Their rates are okay, but I certainly wouldn’t call them the best in the business. I do like that they already have all the Warhammer Online servers staffed and ready to go.
Who has time to think about WAR when rock band 2 came out of the weekend?
For Xbox players. PS3 is going to be a little ways away.
Oh, you think my week of SPORE was bad, just wait until I get my hands on ROCK BAND 2.
I can’t wait for your RvR report. Make sure to tell us how you felt about the PQ’s also. I may get some RnR in and a little AFK after reading it though.
Also, I heard (well, all of the “fans” told me) that the graphics were turned on, because supposedly all the pictures were using low res textures…like this one
WAGGHHH is right…ugh
But, now have all the lighting and what not, because there was no way the game would look like the screenshots on release. That’s what they told me anyways.
I can’t wait to hear about the evolutionary and innovative gameplay..
Thanks Tipa…you’re the best
Warhammer for the win… or something
Joe Fred suggested tonight’s topic, but RvR will definitely be tomorrow’s