Taking action before the GU49 changes no longer requiring rare dusts (the by-products of making Adept III spells) for raid-level cure potions, I dumped all the dusts that had been gathering du… sitting around in my bank and listed them all on the market.
I was going to save them to make mastercrafted poisons with on my alchemist, but my alchemist is still on Befallen, so there’s no real reason to keep them.
I made over eleven plat in just a couple of hours of selling (of course, I undercut everyone else’s prices). That brings Dorah up to a grand total of 19p with which to finance her move to Qeynos and new employment as a conjurer.
While it’s true I dislike LAG-nos on general principles, I always did enjoy the happy halfling and gnome village of Baubleshire. The only thing that keeps me back is the possibility that I might still need max faction with the Coalition of Tradesfolk, the Freeport crafting society, for something, and there’s no possible way I am going to be spending all those nights getting max faction with Ironforge. If I can still sneak into Freeport when necessary, that would be fine.
I’ll have to check up and see if any other max faction crafters have betrayed, and see how much of a downside it really has.
I’m not sure if this is the same for all vendors – but once you betray to the opposite faction, the merchants won’t speak with you any more. So even if you could sneak into Freeport (which of course you still can) they won’t want to sell anything to you. I tried this after getting max faction with the scouts in Freeport and then betraying my warden over to Qeynos.
Yeah, that’s my fear. And with crafting ***FINALLY*** becoming as important a profession as adventuring, I wonder if I’ll be totally nerfing her crafting abilities to add some spice to her adventuring abilities.
And since I two box, soloing isn’t an issue. Though it IS nice that she can heal and rez as a necro. I’ve used that before. Lots.
*I* dunno. Just tired of being the lowest DPS character in a group
I want life to settle down so I can spend more time gaming :/
Hehe, if you’re the lowest DPS you haven’t grouped with an illusionist.
South Qeynos isn’t too bad, lagwise. But I never, ever, go into Qeynos Harbor if I can help it. The only reason to do so is to take the carpet to SS. And if you did the quests to get Call of Ro, you won’t need to do that, either. The new bells in the city zones are a tremendous help with this. And unlike Freeport, they are in all four city zones, not just 3 of 4.
Well it really depends on what I’m fighting. If it’s trash and I’m in a group, the mob will be dead before any of my dumbfire pets or dots get there; all I can do is lifetaps and hope my scout pet gets in some swings.
On bosses or fights that take more than twenty seconds, my dps is fairly high. My first time through the Court of Innovation, I was keeping up with the conjurer no problem, but that was back twenty levels and it’s a different story now.