PS3: LittleBig Planet in stores October 21

While I sit and stew because I can’t play Rock Band 2 on my PS3 yet, news comes that LittleBig Planet, the multi-player platformer where building your own levels is part of the game, will be out in less than a month.
It’s a game that, like Spore, runs on player creativity. Good stuff 🙂 I’ll definitely be checking it out.
They have some early adopter rewards — you can see those and get more detail at the writeup on
(Oh yeah — Rock Band 2 for the PS3 is supposedly out October 19, so, busy week that week.)

2 thoughts on “PS3: LittleBig Planet in stores October 21”

  1. Argh… I still have a reserved copy of RB2 for the 360 sitting at the store! Just no time for it at the moment, as I know how soul-sucking it’ll wind up.

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