Thought I’d never finish the thirty gathering missions necessary to get the “Guild Hall Constructor” title. I’d get bored, or find something else to do, or… pretty much anything else. But I did want to get the title before the event ends. After all, what better way to tell the world you’re an obsessive-compulsive whose probably going to try and sell you something?
It would have been harder without Stargrace’s sage advice. She would grab a mission and head to Sunken City. Few people went there. If she couldn’t finish the mission there, the Graveyard was a short hop away, and it would have the stuff.
I made sure and harvested all the creature and shrub nodes, because neither one was needed for the tier 1 harvesting quests, and it would be best if they were harvested so they might respawn as something useful. On the way back, I’d see which harvest was most plentiful, and make that my next assignment.
Worked pretty well. It was awfully dull, though.
GU 49 looks a lot more exciting — there, you’ll kill and craft to help drive back the invaders. ANYTHING but that tedious harvesting!
Anyone want some waxed leather armor? A lot of it? Just let me know.
I did the parts to get the house items, but i don’t really care to much about titles to do it another 10 times. I think the house item should of been the last reward, and then title the second reward.
WOOTS congratulations on the title hon, and of course the guild status from each of those quests (every little bit helps!) I’m eager for GU49 and of course the next expansion!
At 22 guild status each, I doubt it helped THAT much
Now if EQ2 had let me in earlier last night, I could have gotten more done 
What really sucked about that quest was that I already had hundreds of the lumber, roots, stone, and ore in my backpack but I had to go and collect hundreds more. Its like the stuff I already spent hours collecting wasn’t good enough. I suppose they did this so people wouldn’t just buy it. But it still sucked. It was like walking up to a person dieing of thirst with a full canteen of water and saying here have a drink and them saying “No go get me another canteen. (Rolls eyes)
My epic quest didn’t care about the dozen xegonite I had in my bank, either. Nope, had to gather it. Wow. Thanks for making me spend a Friday night and five hours of a Saturday doing something so pointless.
Can’t say I’m a fan of any pointless grind. The builders need supplies? Why CAN’T I buy them for them?
Didn’t you know? There’s a difference in quality between FRESH lumber you get off of the ground, and OLD lumber that’s been sitting around in your backpack, no matter how long it’s been. . . .
Ahhh, an rp answer for everything, thus is my life