The blogger at the Playing Age of Conan With a Wiimote blog quits Age of Conan…
6 thoughts on “From the Reasons to keep your blog name generic Dept.”
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The blogger at the Playing Age of Conan With a Wiimote blog quits Age of Conan…
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Haha, should I still keep my blog named the same though for posterity?
lol… well, it’s up to you
But I’d change it.
The moment I saw your handle, I thought of Poe’s “Dreamland”. Lots of old MMOGers would associate Thules with Cazic Thule and Morrel Thule et all from EverQuest, but I loved Poe’s poem long before I ever heard of a game called EverQuest. It goes like this (first stanza):
By a route obscure and lonely,
Haunted by ill angels only,
Where an Eidolon, named NIGHT,
On a black throne reigns upright,
I have reached these lands but newly
From an ultimate dim Thule-
From a wild clime that lieth, sublime,
Out of SPACE- out of TIME.
And let’s be honest — every single line of this poem is a rocking blog name that would go great with your handle.
A Route Obscure and Lonely
An Eidolon Named Night
The Upright Black Throne
A Wild Clime
Which you could use as-is, or switched into a Wii theme:
A Script Obscure
An Eidolon Named Nintendo
The Upright White Remote
A Wii Clime
And then you could use as a subtitle, “A blog about using a Wiimote with MMOGs”.
Leave it to Tipa as she has all the right answers…
And I posted on your blog, but I will state here that while you are away I will keep your seat warm in AoC by taking your place.
I have yet to max, and it seems to fit how I want to play for now.
Looks like you had fun until 80 anyways, but the endgame sounds like it is not there. Yet.
But, by the time it is I might arrive at that point finally.
So if i stop thinking… do i need a more generic name? hahaha….
Or just start a World of Warcraft blog……
Haha, just checking back on this post Tipa.
Humorously enough the name Thules comes from a long history with Everquest that sort of comes round full circle back to Warhammer (sorta)
My brother got me into EQ with his Troll Shaman named Auskhull. Named after Ghazghull Thrakka from WarHammer40k.
When I made my Ogre SK he was the only ogre in an Iksar-only guild “Harbringers of Thule” on the condition that he got perfect iksar faction. Also to quell the concerns of the guild-leader at the time, I named him Thuleskhull, adopting the family name of -skhull.
When Rallos Zek merged with the other Zeks I found that most people called me ‘Thules’ for short so I renamed my guy to make it easier to talk to.
When I transferred to Bristlebane to join Club Fu I found the name was already taken, but Skhull wasn’t.
So now I alternate between using Thules & Skhull as main character names, and I haven’t changed since!
Oh, and it comes back around full circle by the fact that I play a Black Orc named “Skhull” on Chaos Waste server! (Was thinking of doing Gazghull but meh, I like consistency)