McCain Wins!

I’m a “Hillary Democrat”, so that means I should vote for McCain, right?
Well, you know, back when I lived in California, I really respected him. He really DOES work both sides of the aisle, and is a true bipartisan. Until he decided to abandon his long-held positions in order to gain the support of the Republican base, when once they barely considered him Republican at all. And then he accepted the dragging anchor that the RNC saddled him with as a running mate.
Apparently a lot of the country agrees.
Looking at the projections from this first hour of Election Day, when the nation’s first polling place in Republican-dominated Dixville Notch, NH has opened and closed and handed their votes overwhelmingly to Obama, and Obama seems certain to be our next President…
Wouldn’t it just be cool if McCain really DID make all the polls and projections look silly and WIN?
Don’t get me wrong. I think Obama would will be a great President. I also believe that McCain, if he won, would drop the right wing clothes he reluctantly wears and would govern how he wanted, the RNC be damned. So either way this goes, I’ll be okay.
When everyone goes in one direction, I just can’t help but wonder what’s down the other path.
I guess that’s just the contrarian inside me talking.

20 thoughts on “McCain Wins!”

  1. I played Everquest in my formative years of gaming. Your blog got me to play for a month. It was one of the most enjoyable things I have done in a long time. It also gave me a lot of perspective.
    In response to this, I completely agree with you about McCain.
    Hopefully, we won’t swing the pendulum too far the other way.

  2. We Euro’s obviously have no right to tell you how you run your country Tipa but since you are the most powerful nation on Earth the outcome does concern us. I would guess that most Europeans hope Obama wins even though his more protectionist stance could hurt our trade.
    Speaking personally I quite like McCain, he seems like a solid trustworthy chap. Sara Palin scares me though.

  3. I’m not surprised you would like Obama. He definitely seems poised to take the country in a more European direction, and I don’t think that’s a bad thing, but it won’t win him any friends here. This is my huge worry about Obama. Whereas McCain really has made alliances with some of the most liberal senators in congress — it would be hard to get more liberal than Russ Feingold — Obama hasn’t really shown that he can buck the Democrats. If he wins today, he will have to announce selections for his cabinet very quickly, and that will set the tone for his administration. If all he picks are liberal Democrats, or Demos plus Colin Powell and Robert Gates or General Petraeus, which are obvious Republicans to choose, I doubt many Republicans will go along for the ride.
    All I want, all most Americans want, I think, is for the President to remember that we are all Americans and we all love our country, and this strident partisanship hurts us all. McCain made it impossible for me to vote for him when he was given Sarah Palin for a minder. She has done nothing but turn up the hatred. I’d likely have voted for a McCain/Lieberman ticket. That would have sent a POWERFUL signal of bipartisanship to the country.

  4. You my dear…are a radical indeed.
    And NO Thanks to the McCain win.
    I want a woman, or a Black man or an Asian or anything besides our typical Caucasian male in the house
    They cant help but keep flubbing it up.
    Lets have someone who is different try for a change and see how they do.
    If Obama screws up for example, then the next one better be a woman, because then I will think it is just the men who cant do sh*t!
    If she messes up, then our next President after that should be gay! Wouldn’t that be cool?

  5. I voted for OpenEdge1 too, but they just laughed at me and threw me back across the boarder. Apparently that green card I designed in CS3 didn’t fool anyone. /sad.

  6. Lord British is holding at #8 on the Ten Least Original Names For Your D&D Character list. His name’s an ADJECTIVE! The top seven positions are all held by characters from Lord of the Rings.

  7. Yeah McCain totally killed his chances of winning with the way he ran his campaign. Focused too much on negative attack ads that most voters didn’t appreciate. I don’t think Palin was that bad a pick for him though. Most conservative republicans were just not going to vote for McCain until he brought someone onto the ticket they liked. He really had no choice.
    Either way I think Obama and McCain would both do a decent job though Obama might introduce a few more “social” programs. I just hope we don’t get another line item reduction from our paychecks like social security.

  8. Palin eliminated moderate Demos like myself with her divisive brand of politics. I’m so tired of faux Christians who haven’t learned the most important lesson Christ ever taught — love your neighbor more than you love yourself. We are all sisters and brothers and it is not our place to judge the worth of our fellow humans. We can only live our lives to be worth standing with the other people with whom we share the world, all six or seven billion of us.
    Low income wage slaves with employer-subsidized health insurance, like me and most working Americans, won’t see any change in their paychecks, but should get some benefit at tax time. I would save money under McCain as well, since the $5000 tax credit would more than pay the tax he would impose on my health benefits. So as far as personal injury to my paycheck, I think I make out well either way, as would most people without large families.
    People without employer-subsidized health insurance would do better under Obama. People making over $250,000 a year would do better under McCain.

  9. Thanks guys…
    Now, that I have been nominated, I vote for $1.50 in everyone’s pockets…
    Just cuz!
    As to the Tipa Christian Statement. WOW. Talk about really riling up the masses…
    I work for a Religious Institution, and I told them off the bat that if they felt the need for me to follow THEIR guidelines, we could have issues.
    Religion is an issue, not God or Christ, Buddha, etc, etc.
    Treat each person as you would wish to be treated, and do no moral wrong, and life could be so much better.

  10. Well, what if you’re a masochist? Would you really want other people to be treated as you wish to be treated?
    All hail Pres OpenEdge1!

  11. I really felt that McCain entirely betrayed his principles this campaign (or, worse, showed he didn’t have any) and lost all respect for him. Which is a pity, because four years ago I would have at least considered voting for him. He lost any chance of that with his Palin pick though— it is not unlikely that he would not survive four years in office, and she would be an absolute disaster stepping into the presidency.

  12. If McCain is willing to throw away his beliefs and change his actions in lieu of staying true to himself – it says a lot about his character…. lack there of, that is. It’s not like McCain slightly modified himself for the sake of the campaign – I’d agree with you that he’d go back to how he had been prior to the campaign and run the country in the same manner he handled being a senator if that were the case. But he changed completely and became the republican party’s puppet – and that’s what kind of president he’d end up being. No better then Bush.

  13. I’m pretty much the same opinion for pretty much the same reasons. One other nail in the McCain coffin though, is that he still doesn’t know how to use a computer.

  14. I will never throw away my beliefs..I stick up for what I believe in…
    I will always state LOTRO is a bad game.
    I am Openedge1 and I approve that statement!
    Ok…anyways, yes, McCain did some major flip flop action. Did not even decide his running mate, so he would be like Bush in respects to letting others run his office. He is too old, and I just could not fathom a woman who makes me think of Fargo the movie whenever she speaks (PS: But, it does sound kinda hot…)
    I will take lesser evil for 500 Alex!

  15. @Openedge1: LOTRO had to be a bad game.. It was Turbine. Did you play DDO? Case closed.
    I never even installed a demo or watched a gameplay video from LOTRO because of the company behind the product.
    Turbine is the David Duke of game production companies.

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