Ever since I first heard that Shin Megami Tensei was being made into an MMO — and that it was coming HERE — I changed my desktop to the SMT: Imagine wallpaper and looked at it every day. Today, I got the golden ticket — I was in!
Probably every Aeria Games player got in if they wanted to, but I don’t care. Installing it right now. I don’t know what this will do to my DOMO career — just joined a guild tonight, too. Oh well.
Since this game is in closed beta, I’m not sure what I can write about it. I didn’t sign any NDA (yet), so if none pops up, I’ll be talking a lot about it right here.
In SMT:Imagine (AKA Megaten), you gain powers by controlling demons, that you can fuse together to make new, more powerful (or new, amazingly weak) demons. With those, your fighting skills, and a dead eye for fashion, Tokyo can once again become safe from demonic (and angelic) interference.
Read about all of that on their features page.
Like many non-western MMOs, your character is as individual as you want to make it. It’s weird, when you think about it, that western MMOs, might as well just come right out and say WoW-like MMOs, are so very inflexible. We can do better, but we don’t.
Megaten is still signing up closed beta testers from registered Aeria Games players.
First reactions? This game reminds me of… Tabula Rasa!
But, with fantasy overtones…right? You are just discussing mechanics…correct?
If so, then I will be fascinated to hear more..because I am actually liking TR right now…it does not suck like some people think.
Congratulations on getting in! Looking forward to reading more about it
Given that it has spells and demons as well as guns, swords and sledgehammers… well, you get to craft your character. It can be as fantasy or as techie as you like. But by “craft your character” I don’t mean to imply you can make it look all that unique
I’ll write more about it when I know what the NDA situation is. It’s pretty fun so far, a little frustrating because there is no “hold you by the hand” vibe. The combat is very fast paced, and you must chain attacks in real time according to how the fight is going in order not to be overwhelmed and killed. In that, I think it will be like Spellborn, but unlike SB and like TR, you do target mobs.
Oh boy…that sounds really good…just what I like.
I am excited.
I visited the Megaten site before, but I never signed up because Aeria Games was running it; Shaiya put me off before. I do like the setting though, but perhaps will wait until release. Too many games, to little time.
Shaiya is SO last year
I never actually played it. First Aeria game for me was 12 Skies (I think?) which was incredibly dull and grindy. But I have really enjoyed Pi Story and DOMO.
Glad you enjoy the game! Feel free to post your opinions about it.
I think you’ll find more character customization options when you get deeper into the game and after we open up the Item Mall.
Well, I guess it’s official, then
No NDA for Megaten!
Hmm… that rhymes.