Chris: I read an eq2 hotfix.. It didn’t mention a particular server:
Station Cash is a new virtual currency from SOE that has been created to allow for the purchase of premium in-game items within EverQuest II.
To get started, access the “Marketplace” from the EQII Window within the game. Click on the “Add Funds” button to purchase Station Cash to fund your wallet and then select items to purchase.
Brenda: OH! This is NEW TO ME.
* Tipa rushes home to find out what it’s all about…
Chris: If they have some really cool hats, I will cry from joy.
Brenda: And here I am sinking money into DOMO…
Chris: The suspense is killing me. I have been fighting the urge to buy a box of boosters (too bad it’s xmas time) in an attempt to get a box of classless hats. If they have cool hats, I will be verry happy. Given that it isn’t a little out of control pricewise.
Brenda: Yeah, I had a lot on my plate tonight, this just piles more on. But it’s a good hurt
Chris: My guess is that it will be stuff like you find in lon loot cards. I can’t see them putting in stuff that would cause balance issues. I would be happy with appearance, mount and house items though. Folks are selling loot cards for tons of ingame plats. I imagine it opened SOE’s eyes. I would much rather spend $10 on a hat than 150 plat.
Brenda: Loot cards have become an important part of both the EQ and EQ2 communities. Suddenly selling them for bucks would crash player economies AS WELL as harm their own game, LoN.
I suppose they could be doing that, but it would seem awfully short-sighted.
I financed my gear in EQ1 as I leveled up by selling the LoN booster packs that dropped where I won the roll. 45-60K plat each pack. EQ requires LOTS of money, where else would a newbie get that much? LoN booster packs. And only because loot cards had such value.
Personally, I hope they sell Masters.
Chris: I just took a peek (quick lunch break)
Many types of potions..
2 appearance slot armour sets
House pets
Regular pets
22 thoughts on “EQ2 RMT discussion”
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I saw the list posted on EQ2 Wire as well, and decided I just can’t get bothered by this. Appearance slot armor I don’t like; fluff pets (I have a ton, including the parrot I bought the LON ‘special’ pack for), and house pets. The potions are nice, but don’t stack, and we already get similar ones as veteran rewards. And I admit it — I do buy LoN booster packs in hopes of getting items I want (or just trading them for ones I want) and some of those are considerably less ‘fluff’ than these!
I really dislike this. For me, RMT on all servers = Jumped the Shark. (not that I’ll quit playing!)
If I can’t earn it somehow in game (including trading for LoN drops), I’m not interested. What’s the point of playing if you can just buy everything with $$? At least it sounds like it is all mostly fluff, so that is good. Maybe if I was an RPer I would see it differently. As it is, I resent that it is available, which is just silly of me. I shouldn’t care that you have a super cool hat that I won’t pay for. I guess I’ll just have to rationalize it using the moral superiority angle.
I’ll say kudos to SOE for successfully snaging another revenue stream in this economy. I’m much to old and crochety … I mean cheap to spend more than my basic subscription to play.
I’ll just be walking to the crafting table, up-hill, in the snow, to make sub combines – and I’ll like it!
So they’re expanding this from the dedicated EQ2 RMT server to all servers–for both games?
They’ve never had RMT before. The Station Exchange servers facilitated player-to-player sales. They have never directly sold in-game items before.
The funniest part about it to me is Smed’s post. RMT = player to player sales according to Smed. So, they have RMT on the Server Exchange, and fluff sales on all servers, but the latter isn’t RMT….. way to split hairs!
Well, I guess they’re both RMT, but the old Station Exchange way, you buy stuff from players. The new way, you buy from SOE. So I guess technically, the Exchange servers were RMT, but this new stuff is definitely ALSO RMT.
@Milia — /smile
I’m all for the funny hats! But if this becomes a serious revenue stream for them, I’d hope for some relief on the subscription price.
I agree, I couldn’t stop giggling when I read Smed’s post. I can’t get bothered by the new RMT, but it sure is a funny way to defend it!
We’ve got a gallery with all the prices and offerings, with images.
Massively is, alas, barred at work
Probably good news for work, actually…
But gj
TBH… I really like that we can get cool looking stuff without being high level. The new outfits are really cool looking. The potions.. meh.. if all you want to do is get to end game… why not get potions that make it happen quicker?
BTW: You owe me a classless hat for helping with content.
@Average Guy — right after I get mine!
Well I guess this is better than buying 100 LoN booster packs.
No, they aren’t selling LON stuff. So you still have to buy 100 LON booster packs
[ or
I guess depending on your perspective. I’d a liked Masters though. ]
When I came back to EverQuest1 after a long hiatus I noticed I had a few boosters..
Loot Cards Inside: Mask of the Spirited Satyr: Right click Satyr illusion + 50 agi. Legend of Norrath: Gives the title Legend of Norrath.
They have the RMT for EQ1 as well, but I’m personally not biting. If they use THIS instead of monthly subscription fees like other MMORPGs in the east then I may, it could be a resurgence of EQ players as well..which would rock.
Just gotta sit on our butts and wait I guess.
I don’t really have any aspirations in MMOs any more. That might be a bad thing. A chapter of that life ended when I quit raiding last spring so I could go to work for Massively (not that they required it; I just had no time to do both). Since then, I don’t really care about the stats of any of my characters. My goal in The Shadow Odyssey was to get maximum run speed through new AAs, and I’ve done that, my run speed is now 86%, which is all I ever really wanted from being a bard, anyway.
RMT should always translate to “money for more fun”, because all these games should, at their hearts, be fun. I think the way SOE has initially implemented their RMT is very much along these lines. No uber weapons or gear, just stuff to make you level faster or look cool. These things are fun
The question is, will they start holding back fun things for the RMT customers?
“The question is, will they start holding back fun things for the RMT customers?”
That’s the question. I posted the same thing over at Stargrace’s but I’ll say it again.. if people will BUY fluff pets and items, then what incentive is there for Sony to create fluff pets and items and build quest lines around earning them? By just selling them, they gain more income and cut expenses.
I see this growing out of hand pretty quickly, and honestly it makes me less interested in playing EQ2.
Can anyone talk to someone at SOE and have them make me an RMT brigand-style hat? I want one now.
TBH.. I was disappointed that there weren’t more appearance items. (setting aside the fact that I want a brigand hat)