Much thanks to Danshir for reminding me last night that EverQuest has changed its list of hot zones, places that give extra adventure and AA experience if you fight there. If leveling is your goal in EverQuest, you want to go to the hot zone best for your level and look for a group. Usually there will be plenty of other people there to group with. SOE usually adds a few new drops (often nice augments) to sweeten the deal, as well.
Level 20: Stonebrunt Mountains (Legacy of Ykesha)
Level 25: Crystal Caverns (Velious)
Level 30: The Overthere (Kunark)
Level 35: Mons Letalis (Luclin)
Level 40: Great Divide (Velious)
Level 45: Nagafens Lair (pre-expansion)
Level 50: Plane of Innovation (Planes of Power)
Level 55: Sshraeshza Temple (Luclin)
Level 60: Crypt of Decay (Planes of Power)
Level 65: Stoneroot Falls (Depths of Darkhollow)
Level 70: Valdeholm (The Serpent’s Spine)
Level 75: Dreadspire Keep (Depths of Darkhollow)
Wow, no Prophecy of Ro zones. Is it appropriate at this point to ask SOE to remove this expansion and all the changes they made to Freeport and surrounding areas because of it that nobody wanted?
We in Nostalgia are at the 65-70 range, so that would bring us to our first Depths of Darkhollow zone. I don’t remember the xp there being all that hot before, but perhaps that has changed.

SOE didn’t forget about EverQuest when adding their new RMT Item Mall. They mostly have experience potions that don’t expire if you happen to die while under the influence, a nice little bonus, considering what a kiss of certain death using the Lessons of the Devoted veteran reward experience buff always seems to be. Since EQ has no appearance slots, and the ability to dye your armor any color you like makes appearance armor more or less moot anyway, EQ instead has expanded the weapon appearance modifiers that they have been offering through Legends of Norrath loot cards for awhile.
If your weapon looks boring, you can change its appearance to something newer and classier. There’s no dressing room, and I haven’t been to the new Seeds of Destruction zones yet, but it looks like most of the new weapon appearances come from an updated version of Guk. So if you’ve been aching for a weapon that looks like one of those, but has the stats of your current weapon, you just might be in the market for some SOE RMT gravy.
I’ve highlighted the very last item, which is a box of three pieces of armor and one weapon appropriate to your class and level. This was the same deal they gave returning players as part of the Living Legacy promotion last summer. IF this box gives out the same Defiant armor, then it is worthless. Defiant armor has become a glut on the market and is selling very cheaply. Defiant weapons are often just sold now to merchants for anything they can get for them. Unless this armor crate contains armor significantly better than Defiant (which, for lower levels, is better than any armor out there, no exceptions), save your money and just visit the Bazaar.
SOE is in a pinch now with Defiant armor. If they stop it from dropping, then new players will be SIGNIFICANTLY underpowered compared to other players. They’ve just Monty Haul-ed the level 1-70 portion of EverQuest. Maybe that was their intent.

This unfortunate gnome here has a bum clockwork on his hands. Seems the Dark Mistletoe giant clan is trying to stop Frostfell — but you can help. The gnome offers four increasingly-dangerous missions to Great Divide to kill and slay the Dark Mistletoe giants and to wrestle the stolen power source back from their evil leader. The mission text hints that the first three missions can be done solo.
I haven’t done these yet, but will probably get to them pretty soon
Happy Frostfell and Sony Cash to all!
I swear the Overthere is permanently on that list.
I STILL have alts camped there
The Overthere is one of Kunark’s many great zones, and really shows the genius of the early EQ developers. There’s content there from the very low and basic to the quite tough, a wide range of challenge, good quests, a lore-drenched Outpost, fantastic experience, loads of places for adventurous groups to be without getting in anyone else’s way… A lot of my characters have spent many happy hours in the Overthere.
Best pulling place back in the hayday of EQ was the Pool, you could get some fantastic EXP if you had a good group there.
*sighs and looks at his “hotzone”*
BLAST YOU SSRA! Your too far away!
I kind of miss EQ. My Beastlord was 75 when I left the game. It’s up to 80 or 85 now isn’t it?
You must have left around the same time I did; my cleric was 75 when I left. Yup, the most recent expansion, Seeds of Destruction, raised the cap to 85.
What server is nostalgia playing on, Tipa?
We play on the Luclin server, every Friday night