DOMO: If you’re gonna have RMT in your game…

If you’re going to have RMT in your game, make it weird, kooky and over the top — like this Santa’s sleigh mount from Dream of Mirror Online. Complete with reindeer (but it looks like the shadow costs extra or something). And me in my Mecha outfit, killing Pus with hydraulic power.

5 thoughts on “DOMO: If you’re gonna have RMT in your game…”

  1. Where did she get that Santa sleigh anyway? We can’t find it in the item mall anywhere. Heck I can’t even find that mecha suit. Maybe they were a limited supply and are all gone now?

  2. I didn’t ask; I haven’t seen it, either, but I wasn’t looking for it. Mounts that you can ride are WAY above my level.
    The mecha suit was part of a limited, one-day promotion. I got it because I’d never seen anyone in a mecha suit, and this one looked AWESOME 🙂

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