Computer on, online, but AFK while at work today. Today, while I am converting bond letters at work, my DOMO character will be doing a LOT of harvesting — this is designed in to DOMO, it’s not an exploit. In fact, DOMO will even log you out when you’ve harvested as much as you can, which is nice of them.
I’m ALSO downloading a very large MMO that I can’t talk about yet. So, busy day for me, busy day for my computer…
So anyway, /afk, back in a few hours.
Ooo, Ooo…ok, so we can do a discussion of WHAT game is downloading…
Lets see then…
Runes of Magic is 3.39GB…is that considered huge?
Spellborn is 3GB, but you MUST do a proxy to play still…since Acclaim still sees a dark tunnel where their heads are at..
Aion is a whopping 7GB client. Could it be?
Age of Conan is almost triple that. Could someone have finally convinced you to at least look at it?
The fact you are on silence patrol kinda puts AoC off the list
Then of course your ties to SOE could mean the Agency is ready for testing now? Hmm????
Oh boy…can’t wait to hear.
It’s not Runes of Magic. I started downloading that last night but decided to go for this other game first.
But any time they want to start sending exclusives my way, I’ll be all too happy to be their shill. I can be bought!
I don’t have any ties to SOE, aside from being an EverQuest player
Oooo…ok, two eliminated, and no negatives on the others..
Oh my, we are getting close then..
I vote for the proxy action myself.
(PS: You did the right thing stopping RoM. Think WoW, but duller)
You can’t talk about it, but you can hint right?
Heh, no, and I haven’t.
Openedge, my same thought about RoM. Plus the fact that it crashed every time I turned the camera around just led me to uninstall it the third time it happened.
I would love to try Aion once it releases. The game looks pretty. Just hope it feels good too.
Funny thing is I just downloaded LotRO and am in a 14-day trial and find myself enjoying the game. I don’t know if I’ll enjoy it enough to want to buy+sub, but I like it a lot. The first time I tried it I was still in thick in WoW and didn’t really give the game a chance — I kept comparing everything between them, and since to my mind WoW was kind of ‘default’, all of LotRO’s differences struck me as negative.
I was thinking of going back to EQ2 for the crafting and housing, but I decided not to. I don’t like the way I’d have to put the graphic level a bit lower than usual so that it doesn’t periodically chug (which it shouldn’t do), nor do I particularly like the art style or color palette used. Plus I always found myself harvesting and crafting for hours on end because I have a bit of a weird thing with the quest system and the way characters fight/move. Strafing in EQ2 is annoying. It really should have been my perfect game, and I truly regret that it just didn’t feel “right” to me the three or four times I tried it, for about a month each time.
Everyone’s tastes are different. EQ2 feels comfortable for me, I like being in that world, but I’m not a big raider, and though I like grouping, I don’t spend much time doing groups either. Or quests. I just like running around, mostly, taking screen shots and trying to find the coolest looking armor. Pretty much what I do in every MMO, I guess.
I’m just looking for games that let me have fun exploring. Once I’ve explored a world to my satisfaction, I’m more or less done with it.
I guess that’s why I like the EQs and DOMO so much. WoW’s world was so very small, I explored that entirely in just about a month and a half, the time it took me to get from 1-60 and start raiding. Once I got to the end, I started looking around for another game.
With regard to afk playing Tipa, you know you can do that in Progress Quest too don’t you?
And I have the +147 diamond bastard sword of paper to show for it, too!
Clearly, I’m not really playing DOMO right now, but I see it, I think, as the designers intended: Harvesting is SO dull, that they want you to not waste prime game-playing time doing it. Instead, they push you into doing it when you’re off doing something else by making it so boring to do while you’re there, but so easy to do afk.
I’ve fallen to DOMO ._.
Somehow I can play the Aeria version although I’m European…
So… In what server do you play, Tipa? :p
I play on Onyx server. You don’t have to play on Game Tribe? Weird!
I actually saw you in game the other day ^^ – nice pet.
I afk harvest a lot; darn useful, and you don’t have to pay attention – you don’t even have to BE there.
Yeah DOMO stole me too. I’m on the onyx server with Tipa, though I’m still a noob. Aeria games did talk to me the other day though*the producer even!* so their actually a nice bunch that speaks with noobs.
Ok tipa you can be bought? I will give cookies/cake/whatever it takes to know what MMO your downloading! Tell Edge NOTHING!
@Miria — yesterday’s herding went wonderfully, immediately leveled alchemy up some. Today, I am doing forestry; that should be enough for my big push to Alchemy 10
You saw me and you didn’t say hi? Awww… 

@Danshir — the Aeria staff do seem to hang out in Eversun A LOT. They are very active, like the EQ devs used to be way back when… You can find me in the Eversun South logging camp if you want to, like, train some monsters on me or something
Hey Tipa
I too have discovered DOMO thanks to you and have just rolled a char on the Onyx server, IG name Gameiro. Feel free to send a tell my way anytime. I am also a Euro that for some reason has managed to avoid the IP ban (the Euroclient from gametribe wasn’t working, something to do with the launcher failing to launch). Thanks again for helping me find out about what looks like a very fun game indeed.
@Gameiro Cool! I’ll look ya up when I get home, or at least add you to my friends list
You should get paid for making people play the games you post about :p
Forgot to post my IGN, it’s Itziar, almost 12 Fencer ^^
I’ve already added you to my friends list.
lol — I wish!
Hope to see you in game!
Will add ya when I get home
I hope it’s wow you’re downloading. Ally is level 53 now, cute little gnome rogue. You’re always welcome on Skywall server alliance. A LOT has changed since vanilla wow 1-60. I mean, a lot changed with BC, but with wotlk, its REALLY changed and I like it a lot.
Ally’s char name is Brëë and mine is Sunrai.
I can’t stand free mmo’s. They never have readable quests or understandable directions etc. Cool to see pics of it past the noob levels though =)
No, it’s not WoW. Anyway, I played WoW plenty already. Nothing but love for it, but been there, done that, have the T-shirt.
Must be good.. you’re updating less frequently than Radar these days
Well, there was a night when I was getting ready to go on a EQ2 pickup TSO raid that didn’t actually happen, some nights I just watch movies and read and there’s not much to write about
Not every night is newsworthy, unfortunately…