Stingite over at the amazingly wonderful Wizard 101 blog, The Friendly Necromancer, has made an INCREDIBLE dance video from Katzenstein’s Lab. Makes me want to run right there and invite some friends for a party of my own
10 thoughts on “Wizard 101: Wanna wanna, wanna wanna dance?”
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haha, very cool. Didn’t know about his blog.
Best W101 blog on the interwebs
Not counting your new one, of course!
haha! /hug for the plug!
w101 is the best game ever im level 48.
love this game have a lvl 50, 49, 40, 30, 31, 18
love this game beast at it
beast at this lol
lol i love dance parts i was at a dance party at life tower once it ruled w101 party of yr
we gotta plan a party at my castle jk maybe the fire tower sometin