Hey we’re gonna quickly run, quickly run
From the entrance to your lair, Nexona
Have us a bit of scaly fun, scaly fun
We’re coming so beware, Nexona
Buff ’em up, get a coup- ple of mana sticks
Swap your gear, stand right here, sing arcane resists
My, aye, aye, aye, aye Woo!
Ma ma ma my Nexona
Ma ma ma my Nexona
From the entrance to your lair, Nexona
Have us a bit of scaly fun, scaly fun
We’re coming so beware, Nexona
Buff ’em up, get a coup- ple of mana sticks
Swap your gear, stand right here, sing arcane resists
My, aye, aye, aye, aye Woo!
Ma ma ma my Nexona
Ma ma ma my Nexona
In a cubby, lizard sacrifice, tastes real nice,
give you a little bit of heal, Nexona
if we hadn’t paid the price, killed them twice
made you go without a meal, Nexona
Shiny in the hall, comes the call, and we deal with it
Now a drake which is take- ing the raid with it
Damn, damn, damn, damn damn Noo!
Ma ma ma my Nexona
Ma ma ma my Nexona
give you a little bit of heal, Nexona
if we hadn’t paid the price, killed them twice
made you go without a meal, Nexona
Shiny in the hall, comes the call, and we deal with it
Now a drake which is take- ing the raid with it
Damn, damn, damn, damn damn Noo!
Ma ma ma my Nexona
Ma ma ma my Nexona
OMG I cannot believe you just got that song stuck in my head…
Epic rofling
And yep, that’s me ear-wormed with that song too now.
That must bite!
First Weird Al song I ever heard was a “My Sharona” parody. I wonder if it’s even POSSIBLE to sing it for real without thinking of “My Bologna”…
With the final death rattle of the CE message board I fear all your lovely songs are now consigned to eternity.
My CE nostalgia has grown lately as I am move through almost 1GB of screenshots, most of which I took climbing through the Luclin-DoD progression.
I backed up the CE message board as of the last time I was able to access it — you can find everything up until the date I saved it away at http://crimsoneternity.org/.
I wasn’t able to save the original message board, it just got too funky what with the host being some bizarre throwback to the paleolithic and I just couldn’t figure out what was behind the authorization troubles. But my original songs and all the long years of Crimson Eternity’s history are safe.
I do hope the CE folks are doing well now in World of Warcraft, but since I could no longer log in to the site myself, I eventually stopped trying to read about their adventures. I think there’s lots of WoW-specific hosting sites that would be a far better fit, anyway.
Oh no, that song! *tries valiantly to get it out of her head*
Grats on the mythical, troubs with shiny weapons are an endangered species, you know!