Music for a Meltdown

Some of you may know about the HUGE turmoil in my personal life that happened yesterday, and if you don’t, well, be thankful 🙂
Upshot is, I didn’t finish the comic I was doing. BUT! I come bearing tunes instead!
While recording my story for Saylah’s Game Fiction Podcast, I ended up with my Rock Band microphone hooked up to my computer, and Audacity, a multi-track freeware audio recording program running on same, and got to thinking. You know what would be cool? To play all five parts of a Renaissance recorder ensemble piece, just for fun.
You can hear that here, but that isn’t the best part.
I mentioned I’d done this to a friend, Thomas, the Friendly Necromancer, and he suggested I send it to him, and he’d do a techno remix.
Techno remix of a Renaissance piece? That would sound… weird. It would sound something very much like this! Totally awesome, way better than the original piece!

7 thoughts on “Music for a Meltdown”

  1. It does put the pressure on to make the NON-remixes sound good. Just been so, so long since I was in a band and actually had to sound decent and play well with others. Listening to what I recorded just shows how long it has been since I cared. Work to do!

  2. Sorry you had a day of turmoil. I hope things are evening back out. When it does treat yourself to a hot bath with sweet smelling oils, a glass of wine to sip on and sushi (or your favorite comfort food ). That’s what I do. Well that and tell everyone to leave me the hell alone! 🙂 Hope things get better for ya.

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