Bringing Balance to Wizard 101

Agh, I have SO MUCH STUFF TO TALK ABOUT! I won’t even get a chance to write about EQ2 today :/

Cool outfit, isn’t it? Total trash, aside from the boots which are a marginal upgrade from the Crowns boots I was wearing. The danger of dressing to kill is that it isn’t actually that much use in the actual killing. I was being torn apart by Forum mobs before I realized I did not have my fighting clothes on. OOPS.
Busy, busy, busy weekend in Wizard 101. I was totally unable to continue in the main plot for Dragonspyre as a key element in the progression, defeating Orin Grimcaster in the Fleshless Tower, became impossible for me. Not because he’s so difficult, but because I just can’t get into the tower. Lots of people are having the same problem and simply cannot get in, though some report that they can. Not sure why, but it meant that I couldn’t come closer to meeting Malistaire on my own terms.
I did run around and do some side quests in Crystal Grove and the Forum, but there’s just so much to do… and a lot of these fights are just really, really tedious for a Life wizard all on her own and all alone.
So, I reactivated my second account, signed her up for another month, and spent several hours leveling her from 21 to 25. Alison (named after my daughter, of course!) is a Balance/Death wizard, and between her Sandstorm AE and my Meteor and Blizzard AEs, there wasn’t a lot in Krokotopia that could stand more than a round or two against us. Back when I’d been farming Marleybone instances with her for pets, she’d gotten a lot of rare level 25 gear, so that was the goal for the day.
When she dinged 25, off we went back to Dragonspyre, where the super high level wandering mobs in the Forum suddenly became a lot more possible. See, you don’t always have to be the same level as everyone else to help out. Anyone can help, even in the very highest instances. A level 25 in a zone meant for people near 50? You bet.
She’ll be put back in the box after Dragonspyre, but until then, she gives me the extra oomph I need.

Thomas and I had another go at Malistaire Friday night. It was fun, but would have been funner if either Kyle or I had gotten our robes from the guy. He’s gonna die again and again until he coughs them up, so he should get with the program, call his tailor, and have them nicely boxed and gift-wrapped next time we see him.
I spent a couple of hours trying to get Lord Nightshade to drop the winged robe for me, but no luck. I did get a couple of Valentine’s wands and a pet, so it wasn’t a total loss. Here, then, is the latest fashion show, with new pets and wands.

Life elemental from pet shop in Wizard City, casts a 5 pip damage spell midway between Seraph and Centaur. My current battle pet.

Storm Beetle and Heartbow Wand. The beetle is a 101 Crown pet which can be bought with the 101 Crowns KingsIsle gave everyone to celebrate their millionth account. The wand was dropped by Lord Nightshade.

Dark Fairy and Roseate Wand, both also dropped by Lord Nightshade. The Fairy gives the Rank 1 Death spell of the same name.

Jade Oni and Shockblade of the Hoarder. Jade Oni gives a five pip Balance spell. Oni is from the ring shop in the Atheneum, Shockblade (my current sword) from The Hoarder in the Drake Hatchery.

See you around Ravenwood 🙂

5 thoughts on “Bringing Balance to Wizard 101”

  1. Cool outfits. I wonder if they intentionally increased the difficulty in DS so that it can’t be soloed as readily as the previous worlds and also to help the content last longer. It’s good to see more challenges and by the time I get there lots of others will be of the level to help a gal out. 🙂 Sometimes I feel guilty for not playing W101 more. It’s so much fun but right now I’m enjoying ROM more.

  2. Games are games 🙂 You should always go for the best fun, and designers should always have fun foremost on their minds when creating game worlds.
    I love Wizard 101 for its whimsy and its challenge. I have actually lost fights in Dragonspyre — something unthinkable in the other worlds. I probably don’t really need to bring an alt around, but I have noticed more and more people in Dragonspyre intentionally grouping. Thomas was having trouble getting enthusiastic about killing fifteen high rank mobs in the Forum, for which I don’t blame him, as his troubles with Death mobs mirrors mine with Life mobs. But even though I had a natural advantage over the Death mobs, it was tedium defined until I brought Alison over to shut those mobs down while I killed them. And she helped with the killing as well.
    I would hate to think of doing the Labyrinth by myself, though. An instance full of powerful bosses, each with adds, and no resting.

  3. Dragonspyre skirts the edge out of being non-soloable. But I feel the geometric increase in health isn’t their plan — at least, I hope it isn’t. As I have to devote ever more time to finish quests, I begin to have less and less time to log in and do them.
    My hopes? The next world’s mobs become more or less resistant to all current magics, and we essentially start all over learning Astral magics or something — a new starting point for everyone, old players and new.

  4. My sons father deactivated my sons membership when it charged his credit card, my son was still able to get onto his account. When my children came home i asked my son to pull up his account so that i could pay for the membership. But now my sons account is saying that ” the username and account is not found in their database.” How can I re-activate this account?

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